Saturday, June 23, 2012

Post #200!

For the first time in 7-8 years (I cant remember when I started!) I am not spending this Saturday at Chautauqua Institution. Before everyone gets all sad, don’t!! I really miss working with the girls (and 2 boys) there and joking around and getting each other through the crap, but I don’t miss the customers, getting attitude from people 3 times your age, getting tickets/special studies books thrown in your face, and getting swore at. I miss none of that! I hope it’s an easy season though and everything runs really smoothly!

This is my 200th post! I cant believe that I have post so many times on this thing! Minus my spring break where I had visitors, I have done really well keeping this going! If you have read every single post, 1 you are crazy, 2 you have read 126,236 words and 201 single spaced pages of text! That’s quite a bit of reading! (and that it quite a bit of typing! No wonder my letters on my computer keys are wearing off!)

I spent the day reading footnotes and bibliographies to come up with a biblio of my own. Then I combined it with the one that I had scribbled in 15 different places. THEN I typed it ALL up, looked up every book on the City of London libraries page, put down where each book was along with it call number. I am all ready to raid the libraries! Only after did I realize that NONE of them are open on a Sunday. Sigh. I don’t know what Im going to do tomorrow!

To celebrate my new found freedom (and absence from WNY on opening day of CHQ) I bought Chinese for dinner. That is a big splurge for me the poor college kid!

So that was my day… exciting! Off to watch a movie!

P.S the picture is in honor of CHQ. Whoever made that really was right... we all do have memories

1 comment:

  1. I am not crazy! I love following your blogs! Congrats on being done and good luck finding all of your books!
