Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Last Day of May?

Whoa… where did May go to? Not that I am complaining at all! Just curious! I am beyond excited that classes are almost over.

This morning was like EVERY other morning. Except I ate breakfast before I left again. Its so much easier, but eating milk with my cereal is STRESSFUL! I have to eat really really fast so my cereal doenst get soggy! Eating fast is hard to do when one is all groggy and is still debating on what day of the week it is! Maybe this is why I don’t like cereal for breakfast….

After I choked down my cheerios (I did so before ANY of them got soggy btw!) I was out the door and loving the no jacket policy that the weather has been having for a week now! I strolled to school (I already have that end of year mentality!) I never know what month it is because it is so nice out! I haven’t been in class during the end of may-june since high school so it is all very confusing. I am convinced that it is almost finals week so that it is the beginning of May!

I got to school and went straight into the lecture hall. I continued reading and also chatted with Jen some. Then they told us that our tutor was stuck on a train and would be 40 minutes or so late. Cool…. SO they had Paddi give some random lecture about the ballet russes until Jacqui came in at 10:50. Then we had the dress lecture until noon. It was a long morning. The dress was cool though so I was disappointed that she flew through some of it. I feel like everyone loves the 20’s flappers look… I wasn’t a fan. I really like the 50’s but we don’t go up that far. Gah!

After our normal lecture we FINALLY got briefing about our review article that is due in 2 weeks. It didn’t help at all. I still have no idea what they want. They are so unclear about everything! GAH! I need to be done with them! Some of the girls and I decided that our slogan for this entire year is “I don’t know”. Woo!

I ate lunch after our pointless briefing and then decided to hit up the library. I know… im so studious! I don’t think that my second thesis idea is going to work. I found his auto-biography (that is when they write it themselves right?) and its in GERMAN! Woo!! I KNEW it. Sigh. And I have found 15 million connections with Expressionist artists and his Holocaust work. Gah. I wish they would just let me do the Holocaust. I think I may have to stick to carriages and do this research idea as my PhD dissertation. There is nothing done on it, and by then I will know German. (Dear readers, please don’t steal my idea and run off to get a PhD with this topic! Thanks!)

At 1:30 I met Isabel in the foyer and we walked over to Dover for our painting handling. The session was a gallery and it wasn’t really a handling session considering that we didn’t touch a thing. BUT it was really interesting! The guy concentrated on connoisseurship which was really cool. He had two copies of VanDyck’s work and a REAL. ONE. I nailed which were the copies and which one was real, except I almost fell over when I saw it. It’s a famous self-portrait (probably his last). If anyone would like to purchase it for me please do. It’s on sale to the public for 12 million! He seemed shocked when he learned that we hadn’t been to see a conservator in action, and that we haven’t worked in an auction house. Yeah…. That’s what we were supposed to be doing but we ARENT. The session was only 45 minutes long which was awesome because it was a focused talk, not a rambling one! I was engaged for the entire thing (which usually doesn’t happen!)

On the way home I stopped and exchanged my euros for pounds considering the euro is TANKING. I was pleasantly surprised… I got 10.55 back from 15 euro. I excepted worse! I came home, decorated some more, and then…. Fell asleep. Yes again. I don’t know whats going on! I got up and made pasta for dinner (I have more chicken wing dip but Im trying to spread out the goodness!) Next it is a shower and bed! Im excited that tomorrow is Friday and the Queens Jubilee is this weekend!

I forgot… when I was at the post office the guy was chatting and asked me where I went. I told him Paris and he asked why I wasn’t going this weekend (a lot of people are leaving London this weekend) and I said that I was American so pumped to partake in the festivities. He then asked where my accent was from… America. Australia?? NO. AMERICA we don’t have a monarch so its cool that I can go this weekend. Ohh he says. I thought your accent was Australian. Really?? Dude I wish… I thought everyone makes fun of the American accent but no one here can ever pin down my accent. Weird.

Oh I also forgot that my Jubilee line train had giant sticker like things all over it for the Queens Diamond Jubliee. I didn’t have my phone out fast enough so Ill try to take a pic of it tomorrow!

P.S my complete decorations!

1 comment:

  1. You and eating breakfast crack me up! I am glad that you were able to "save" all of your Cherrios from a milky death, haha! Have fun this weekend! I can not wait to see pictures.

    Oh and I am sorry that you do not speak German. I know that you really wanted to do that for your thesis.
