Sunday, March 4, 2012

Ahhh the Beautiful Game

March 4, 2012
Ahhh… the Beautiful Game

I woke up at 10 this morning and for one I hopped out of bed and was ready to go! I watched the Office to kills some time while I ate breakfast, then I got dressed and went to do my weekly shopping. I don’t remember if I have said this before.. but I walk by a church with a black congregation to go shopping and let me tell you… they have STYLE. I love looking at what they wear! Anyways I went shopping and somehow spent more than I planned, but still had 10 pounds extra! I walked back home and put everything away. (oh I forgot, on my way to Sainsburys it wasn’t raining. On the way home it sprinkled a little) I ate lunch and put on all of my layers and went downstairs. I opened the door and… it was POURING. Sigh. I got out my umbrella and by the time I got to the tube my feet were already wet!

As you all know it was GAME day today! Fulham was playing the Wolves and Freya had gotten tickets for us through Groupon. I was PUMPED. I got to Hammersmith (where I was meeting Freya) 10 minutes later than I should have (I thought it would take a lot less time to get there than it did) and we walked over together to the stadium. When we got there I didn’t even know that we were there… it didnt look like a stadium. The Jammer’s stadium looked more like a stadium that this did! We scanned our tickets and go inside… and it looked more stadium like! We got to row G and then I noticed… We were in the SEVENTH row!! AHHH!! We were so close to everything! 10 yards from the goal!!! I was pumped. I didn’t care I was soaked and chilled already. I was ready for some FOOTBALL!!!

Fulham started well and were attacking decently, but they weren’t capitalizing. Then #7 scored and I SAW it!!! I was hoping they would score at our end since they were 10 YARDS away!! Then towards the very end of the half #7 scored again. I told Freya that I wanted him to get a hat trick, and she said she wanted Clint to score… both came true!

The next half starts and Fulham comes out strong, and the Wolves didn’t show up. #7 scores scores pretty fast into the half, and not too long after Clint adds one. We are in the neutral part of the stands so there are fans from both teams.. the Wolves are mad. They are swearing and yelling at their team and… I don’t blame them. They seemed to give up. Clint finds the back of the net again and people start leaving. It was so much though! After the game we walked over to the corner that the team comes out ad goes in at (it was on our side) and I got to see everyone up close! My favorite player was #8. He assisted at LEAST two of #7’s goals and I think he did for one of Clints too. He was all over and always were he needed to be! I thought my toes were going to be black from frost bite, but they weren’t so everything was good. Awesome day!!

I think I got the football lingo down…

Lads=players (Everyone yells “Come on Lads!”
That is F***ing Rubbish= WTF! :)

The rain must have been so SO uch fun for the players. It was always my favorite weather to play in. Wet, dirty... awesome. It relay made me miss playing!

I came home, peeled off my wet clothes and took the longest hot shower. I don’t ever remember being that cold. I couldn’t move my face… I felt like I had botox or something! (I haven’t ever but people say you cant move your face?!?!) and my feet were legit numb. I couldn’t feel them when I walked. Weirdest feeling. But I made it and warmed up in a shower, posted my pictures and now my meat lovers pizza is calling my name. I should do work later, but Im skyping mom at 8 and its already 7:20 so I have a feeling that wont happen…!

P.S the picture is ME at the stadium with crazy wet hair!

1 comment:

  1. Hahah, sounds like an awesome day! I'm glad that you two were able to go to the game. Sounds like you're going to have to go again sometime soon!!! And...I'm sure you've been that cold at the Thanksgiving day parade...actually I'm sure we have been that cold before! LOL. I know the feeling though, you want to cry because your fingers/toes hurt so badly.

    Glad that you had fun!!
