Saturday, March 10, 2012


I cant believe it is the TENTH of March ALREADY! I have one week of classes left before the end of term. Im practically 2/3rds of the way through my Masters degree. WooO!!!!! I had to set my alarm on a Saturday. Not cool. I got up at 10:30 and sat down on the couch. Not motivated at all. So I watched an episode of Once Upon a Time… I was a bit skeptical but now Im hooked! Then, all of a sudden, I was ready to work! I opened my curtains though (it was a nice day so I decided to let in the sun!) and saw that my window sill was black. ( I hadn’t opened my curtains for awhile!) So I cleaned those, which led me to dust everything, which led me to going through my shelves and the stuff on my tables. Finally at 12:30 or so I started my paper. I cranked out the first half in about 2 hours. I was on a ROLL! I took a break to do some other little things that I had overlooked all week, and then remembered that I needed to blog. After this is dinner, a movie and then Im going to finish my paper. I only need 900 more words! I feel like superwoman!!

There are things here that I am starting to really like. While I miss wings (immensely) I have fallen in love with digestive cookies, British chocolate (Hersheys sucks. It will never be the same), and I am starting to notice I am turning a little more British….
1. I LOVE tea. And I can now make a proper cup of it, complete with milk. I don’t think I am ever going to go back
2. While I do not have an accent (thank goodness!) I am beginning to use words I haven’t used before such as bloody, keen, as well (instead of too), and proper. The tube is strictly the tube and I am no longer catching myself on calling it the subway. That just sounds weird now. A subway is something under a street (such as an underpass). My flat is my flat. Not my apartment. I can cross roads without fearing for my life.
Things that haven’t changed…
1. I still hate the metric system and still have no idea how it works.
2. Celsius is confusing… I use the weather channel to see the temp.

Well I should go eat and finish working!!!

P.S here I am at Brighton on the pier! Am I tall enough for the ride??? :)))

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a productive day! You did so much, I'm jealous! LOL.

    That's funny that you're realizing the little things that you're picking up. I can't wait for you to make me a cup of tea :)

    I can't believe that you don't like the metric system. I love the metric system and wish that was the only one we had. Now, Celsius on the other hand I do not like. Haha, I would be doing what you're doing everyday.
