Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Sunday

Today was not like yesterday…. It was not productive. I got up early though (for a Sunday). I was out of bed at 10 and ready to go! I actually got to Sainsburys at 10:50 and had to wait outside with a very dubious looking crowd of people until they opened they doors. I felt like I needed to charge and stampede my way into the store as the doors opened and then I remembered… it was just a grocery store. There wasn’t anything on sale that I need to cause a stampede for! So I ended up walking calmly into the store. A very anti-climatic way to end a campout in front of a store (even if it was only a 10 minute camp out!)

I had an ad from Sainsburys that I had looked at before my shopping expedition and I had noticed that ham was half off. I haven’t had ham since before I left Ashville and let me tell you… I love me some ham!! So I splurged and bought myself a tiny cute little ham thing. I just got and realized I had purchase gammon. I had no clue what that is so I googled it ( I love the world wide web) and apparently its like ham… Im hoping it is. I don’t know how to cook a ham, let alone a gammon, so we shall see how that adventure goes!

I got home, put away my groceries and made lunch. I munched away while watching Once Upon A Time. (O.U.A.T) Then it was some skype dates and then I tackled my very dirty kitchen, cleaned my bathroom and vacuumed. By then it was time for another episode of O.U.A.T and then I made dinner, and writing this blog. All and all a nice and boring day. I needed a day to unwind!!!

That is all that is new here! A week from today Ill be in Venice!!

P.S my picture is a tribute of where I was two years ago! I had just gotten back from Florence!

1 comment:

  1. Haha, you crack me up about your shopping experience. Let us know how you new food tastes :)
