Saturday, March 10, 2012

Finally Friday!

Oh my goodness I needed it to be Friday. What a long week! Getting out of bed was so SO hard. It was a rough morning and I headed to tube quickly because I was running late and I needed to add a month to my tube card. Thankfully there was only one lady in line at the window and topping up my card was speedy. I just missed the Jubilee line train so I walked to the end of the platform to wait for the next one. I look up and its not coming for 5 minutes. Sigh. I go off in my own world and then realize that instead of the Metro line breezing by its stopping at the far platform. What?? It pulls away and I see more people walk on the platform. Why is the Metro line stopping here two days in a row? I didn’t go over to take the metro train, but it would be nice if during the Olympics if the Metropolitan line would help with the Jubilee crowds. My life would be really easy if both lines continue to stop here!

I got to school later than usual but still had time to eat my cheerios and get into class at my normal time. I was sitting reading when Paddi shows up and gives me an article about carriage design! Then as I was reading that article, Julia gave me info on a carriage museum in Kent. Everyone was giving me sources for my thesis!!! Nice!!

This morning’s lecture was on The Great Exhibition of 1851 and the Crystal Palace. It was interesting! I wish I would have been alive for that. The entire lecture all I thought about was that movie with Judy Garland and they sing that song about meeting in St Louis and the little girl buries her dolls. That was a great exhibition right? The only American one we talked about is the Philly one. I want to watch whatever movie that is… I don’t think I have ever seen the entire thing!

After class I quickly ran upstairs to sign up for a tutorial on Monday. I wanted an early time so I didn’t have to wait around forever. I got the 1pm slot so I can come home and work on my Issues and Context paper! Then I ate lunch and went over my presentation. At 1:20 I headed upstairs for my very last Issues and Context Class!!! Wooo!!

My presentation went ok. I kinda flew through it. We then talked about it some and I ws done!! Class though took forever. We had three presentations. Gah! Class started at 1:30 and we didn’t get out until 4:30! We talked about everything from abjection, to abortion (somehow), to when life begins, to children pooping, and the fall of Adam and Eve. It was a crazy class!

It took forever to get home! The circle line was really delayed. The tube was just all messed up yesterday! I got home and crashed. I threw on sweats and tried to get caught up with the little things that I have been ignoring all week! Then it was off to bed for a good nights rest before paper writing day!

P.S the picture is of the Crystal Palace!! It was so big that it had the trees INSIDE of it instead of cutting them down!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that you got more sources!! Oh, and I have no idea what movie you are talking about!! Haha.

    Glad to hear that your presentation went well also.
