Thursday, March 8, 2012


Sorry this is a little late! Yesterday was just a crazy and LONG day that I didn’t get around to blogging. Let me start at the beginning….

I actually jumped out of bed this morning. It was Brighton day! I was excited!!! All I knew about Brighton was that in Pride and Prejudice, Lydia goes to meet the officers and ends up eloping with Mr. Wickman! And I knew that the wealthy went there to be dipped into the water for their health. Sea water and air was supposed to be god for you so high society went to socialize on the coast. I was pumped. I picked out my cheap H&M flats so I could slip them off and stick my toes in the waters! I didn’t care if I got sand in shoes that cost me 5 pounds!! I was out the door quickly and on my way!

I got to the bus, and the only person there was Freya. The bus diver wouldn’t let her on the bus until our tutors came, so we huddled outside of the bus door. (it was windy, chilly and sprinkling) He took pity on us and let us on 3 minutes later. I get on and the bus driver (whose name we later learn is Neil) told me my feet were going to be cold. I informed him that I was sticking my foot in the waters, so I needed slip on/off shoes. He laughed… he thought it was funny. It was a double decker bus so Freya and I headed upstairs and got the front seats! Wooo!!! It was going to be a good day! Isabel came and joined my in my seat and at 8:30 we were off!

We all chatted on the way there and just as I was falling asleep, Paddi comes on the speakers and says Good Morning!!! Rise and Shine. I grumbled (I hate “rise and shine” I grew up with my mom telling me to rise and shine. I don’t do that) He gave us a quick intro as we drove through the city. It looked like it had already had its hay day and that it was no longer a resort. (it had the feeling of downtown Jamestown…. The it was bustling now just falling apart feel) We get off the bus and… its absolutely POURING. The wind was destroying umbrellas left and right. The bus driver comes to the door and says “are you sure you really want to go in the water?” I say “Oh yeah!!” enthusiastically, and Im thinking “oh dear”. But once I say Im going to do something.. Im going to do it. Especially when mr. bus man doesn’t think Ill do it!!

We get to the Royal Pavilion and we are freezing and literally dripping. Half of us are a the Pavilion, the other half is at the museum. We follow our guide and we sit down in a crazy room that isn’t open to the public! Woo! Perks of being with Christies!! Our guide gives us some background and I am trying not to whip out my camera. It was an awesome room with blood red wallpaper with images of Chinese dragons and snakes (which weren’t in fact Chinese). The entire building is based on India, China, and the East in general, but it’s fashionable…. Not accurate!

We go into the hall and its cool… over the top, but I wasn’t shocked really. Then… it all changed. We went down the hall and into the banqueting hall. My jaw just fell open. Literally. I was (as the British say) Gob smacked. (is that one word? Not really sure…) It was the crazy, most over the top room I have ever been in. George IV knew how to impress and it still works almost 200 years later. We saw the kitchens, the drawing rooms and the ballroom. It was all over the top, impressive and amazing. I LOVED it. I would have loved to have dined with good ole George in that hall!!! It must have been amazing!!

After the tour I did NOT want to go outside. I braced myself for rain, but it was just cloudy and it wasn’t as windy! Sticking my foot in water didn’t seem as bad! Isabel and I decided that since we were at a fishing town we should get fish and chips. This was my first experience with fish and chips. We found the place that Paddi had recommended and order the special and a pot a tea each! Im not a fish fan, so I was a little worried, especially when I looked over at the table next to us and saw how big the pieces of fish were. If I didn’t like it I was going to have a lot of choking down to do! It came (with neon green mushy peas. They were actually pretty good) Everything was amazing! At the end I got a little sick of the fish, but it was mild enough that it didn’t taste that fishy, and the coating was awesome. I cant even explain it!

After lunch we headed back towards the pavilion and museum and took some photos. Then at 2 we met for our second session. We looked at Art Nouveau and Art Deco furniture and objects. It was so refreshing to see something different! After we had some free time, so we quickly checked out the fashion and then headed to the beach!!!!

Thank goodness I had Isabel because she was such a good sport taking pictures of me!! I was surprised that the beach was made of rocks, not sand. I was kinda of happy. Im not a fan of sand, and it meant that I wouldn’t get any in my shoe!! I started picking some up right away!! Then it was time to get serious… my toe needed to go in the water. It actually wasn’t that cold. I think because the air was that it wasn’t much of a contrast! Oh and by this point the sky was blue and the sun was shining!! Anyway.. I stuck my right foot in and suddenly my left foot was under water and I had a puddle in my shoe… I had sunk in the rocks. So both feet were quiet wet by that point.

Isabel and I wandered the beach and took pictures, then headed up to the Pier and checked out the rides (that weren’t running!) and the view from up there. There was a candy store open and I got rock… it’s a hard candy stick thing… and a rhubarb/custard lollipop. Isabel recommended it! I haven’t tried it yet! Then we headed back to the bus, got our front seats and headed home!

It was such a long day, but really fun! I had to make a handout that I forgot about. That wasn’t fun. I didn’t get home until 8:15ish, showered, did work and fell into bed. Phew!

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