Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Not Much New

Well there isn’t much to say today. It was a study day! (the last one of the term) and I have just been working around my flat, getting ready for Venice, researching Milan and Venice, putting laundry away… all sorts of exciting things. I have been working on my Italian and Im just getting frustrated with how much I have forgotten. Grr…. So Im sorry this is so boring but there isn’t anything new. Tomorrow is my last full day of the term!! My adventure tonight is cooking a gammon… we shall see how that goes. Ill keep you all posted!

P.S On my walk I popped into Sainsburys and saw these pretty tulips for a pound. I bought them without thinking… I don’t have a vase. So I dug out old wine bottles and put them in them. They kind of look silly now, but they are still pretty with Isadora thriving inbetween them!