Monday, March 12, 2012

Post 148

Ohhh Mondays. When that alarm goes off all I want to do is chuck it at my wall and bury my head under my nice, warm, comfy comforter and snuggle. I didn’t want to get out of bed even though it was the first day of last week of the term! I wasn’t feeling it…. I got out of bed so incredibly late.

I got to school and chatted as I ate my cheerios. I didn’t read at all! Im getting better. Class was cool, but slightly pointless. It was an introduction to the history of Europe 1848-1914. It was really interesting but we aren’t really doing that period until next term so I just wont remember much I don’t think!!We went through the inventions, social movements, fashions etc. Then we went through the wars and technology and ended right when Fernindad was shot. Do you know you can see his bloody jacket with the bullet holes in it! I want to see it so badly, which is kinda morbid and weird….

After class I ate lunch (and talked again!) and then went downstairs to print my paper that I wrote on Saturday, did some research for my thesis and then went to my tutorial. My project kinda got torn apart, but I didnt really care actually. Probably not good, but whatever. I got my exam back too and I did well on that!! So that was nice. :)

Instead of taking the tube from Great Portland Steet to Baker Street I decided to walk. It was 58 here today and SUNNY! I walked Regents Parks and saw trees and nice green grass. It was nice to see nature!!! I got home and did some work around here and then I was sleepy so…I took a nap. I do love naps! I didn’t get as much done as I was planning but its ok. I think I really needed to sleep a little. I have a big day tomorrow so I need to be ready!

I am so impressed with myself that this is post 148! I cant believe I have kept up with this for so long! Writing my Rome blog was a feat, but that was only 86 posts!! This is getting close to being double that! I feel like it is getting boring though, so hopefully after my Venice adventure, and all of my guests my blog will get some life back in it!! I am glad that the Dragon Lady is not providing entertainment though!!!

Ill blog tomorrow!!

P.S The picture is of mr seagull at Brighton. I really didnt have any picture ideas for today

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