Monday, March 5, 2012


Today was an easy day because it was a HALF day!!! Wooo!!! I love half days. I got out of bed this morning and for some reason it took me FOREVER to get ready. Good thing I didn’t need to make a lunch because I really would have been late. The commute was easy and uneventful. This morning’s class was on 19th century ceramics… ugly. There really wasn’t anything I liked. It was a time of revivals and they didn’t do a good job at reviving! I didn’t really pay attention all that well. The lecture crawled by, but finally I was FREE at 11:45.

It was such a nice day that I walked down to Oxford Circus to catch the tube. It was a little windy but the sun was shining and the sky was blue! I should have worn my sunglasses! I didn’t bring my wallet with me today so I was free from the temptation to buy anything! I window shopped to the tube and headed home. I wore my new Oxfords today…. I felt so nimble! I was like an Indian in the forest… except I was in the city. But my feet didn’t make any noise. I could have snuck up on someone! I love them because they are slim, and close to the ground. I love shoes like that. They make me feel nimble, quick, sheek, and stealthy! And the 8 pound versions don’t make my feet gush blood like the 50 pound ones did!

Anyways, I got home and somehow wasted an abundance of time. This is not good. I have two papers that need to be done. I cant start my one yet (because I haven’t done my presentation), but the first one needs to be done by Sunday afternoon. (that is my deadline!) On Sunday I will then start paper number two and work on that over the study day and every night next week. Gah. I am in vacation mode and sick of sitting around my apartment. I want to go explore the city! (I kep reading my Tired of London, Tired of Life book that has AWESOME things in it. I may drag my parents to an umbrella maker who has been making umbrellas/walking sticks since 1830. What is a better souvenir from London than an umbrella???!!!)

Ok well I need to go work on my paper and then head to bed. Grr to work.

P.S my picture is of the game yesterday. Again. Because all of the ceramics were ugly! It is Clint fighting for a 50/50 ball!

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