Saturday, March 17, 2012

Last Day of the Term and Last Post For A Bit

Yesterday was my last day of class for the term. It doesn’t seem over though, because I do have to go to class all next week but class is in… Venice!!! Before I get to that though, let me summarize yesterday! It took me ages to drag myself out of bed, but I managed to. My commute was boring (which is always nice!) and I managed to get to school on time to hand in my paper and eat my cheerios. Class was pointless. It was an intro on Venice, which sounds like it would be helpful but no. He flashed things that we are going to see and told a little bit about it, but mashed it altogether. I just stopped listening and just looked at the pictures!

I got home early (love halfdays!) and ate lunch. At about 2 my new phone came. I hate it. The touchscreen doenst work well, and the layout is dumb and you cant put apps on it. I miss my apps and my droid. Sigh. So I spent the afternoon trying to figure out my piece o’ crap phone, cleaning my flat (I don’t understand how I can trash it in a week every. Single. Week.), and started to gather my stuff to pack. That was really it for yesterday!

Today I got myself out of bed early. I have to catch three buses to get to the airport tomorrow. My plane leaves at 7:45am so I should be there at 5:45, so the easybus that would get me there then leaves the city at 4:30 and the two buses to get me to the easy bus take an hour and 15 minutes so I have to be walking out the door to go to the 1st bus stop at 3am. GAH. I am planning to “go to bed” at 8 until 2:30 so I dragged myself out of bed early so I will hopefully be a least a little sleepy at 8pm tonight!

This adventure will be interesting! I will, of course, tell you all about when I get back. Im going to be in Venice Sunday-Thursday. Thursday night I take a train from Venice to Milan and I spend the night there. Friday is explore Milan day, and Saturday is LAKE COMO! Woo! I fly home Sunday afternoon so I wont be posting my blog, or be on facebook much. I can update my status from my phone, but I don’t think it shows my notifications. (awesome phone right?) So if you want to make sure Im alive just check my status! :)

Im an hoping for a sooth adventure, not repeat of the Stromboli experience. (for newcomers check out my Rome blog, and under March click on EPIC FAIL and read all about it!) I am hoping to avoid the 2am phone call to the parents, and I bet they are hoping that they don’t get one too!

Well Im off on my next great adventure! Ill post again March 26th!

P.S the photo.... where Im off to! VENICE!

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