Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Venice: Day 3

March 21st 2012

Today was a busy day, but there isn’t much to write about it. My alarm went off at SEVEN! Gah! I was sleepy through breakfast, but I still managed to eat a ton and steal an apple for lunch later. We had to be at the Accademia at 8:55 and it was a hike so we had to leave early! We got there with plenty of time to spare and we chatted while we basked in the sun. It was the best day yet in terms of sun and warmth!

Rebecca (our tutor) arrived and we headed in to the museum. We toured it as a group and then Rebecca was really cool and let us go around by ourselves after for about 45 minutes. My favorite painting was the Bellini (see facebook) and I was hoping to buy a postcard of it, but the museum didn’t have a shop!! Isabel and I wandered and then hit the bathroom before we had to meet outside (we didn’t know the next time we would see a potty!) We headed over towards San Rocco and then once we were in the area, it was lunch time! A few of us basked in the sun and ate lunch together by the canal. It was so WARM! It was amazing! After we ate and chatted Isabel and I went to a glass store and I got the only piece of Murano glass that I could afford! (It is a TINY dish! Its cute!) After we went to the Scoula to meet Rebecca and co.

Inside was great! A LOT of Tinteretto though (honestly Im not a big fan. The only one I really liked was his deposition) In the main meeting hall the ceiling was covered in Old Testament scenes, and the walls with the New Testament so we discussed all of them. It got old, but it was a good review of the Biblical scenes. I was happy to realize that still recognized most of them. There were just some obscure ones that I didn’t get! We got free time in the downstairs portion of the building. (more Tinterettos) and I looked some, bought a post card (we could take pictures of the interior) and used the potty!

The next and last stop was a Franciscan church with Titian’s Assumption of The Virgin over the alter, Canova’s tomb, Titian’s tomb, and a Bellini altarpiece. We wandered around and talked about the important works and then we were free. It was the easiest day! Our group was lucky that we started with Andrew (the worst in terms of torture) and then Peter (who is really entertaining) and then Rebecca who is always aware that its gets long standing and listening! We went hardest-easiest!

We headed back to the hotel for our normal routine of drinking free presecco and eating free cake. It was fun to sit and talk to Lesley and Diana and to compare our childhoods. (Isabel and I grew in the States, Lesley in Germany, and Diana is Dutch) It was fun to see what was the same! After we all went out to dinner together to celebrate Isabel’s birthday. Dinner was ok. Diana and I were pumped for Spaghetti Carbonara and they didn’t have it. I had a Carbonara pizza instead and it was just ok. We all went to the other hotel (Abedessa) and they had free wi-fi so I got on the internet on my ipod and we all chatted until 10ish. Freya and I walked back to our hotel together and we talked until about 11:30 and then went to bed.

Todays Picture is of my favorite Bellini. I really wish they would have had a postcard because my picture isnt that good!

1 comment:

  1. You're so funny about finding the "pottys" Haha. But I don't blame you! Again, sounds like an awesome day :)
