Saturday, March 3, 2012

Attempt to Accomplish Things

This morning I slept in… that is why Saturday is my favorite day of the week! When I final did crawl out of bed I was in a “get things done” kinda mood! I took that and ran with it! (it tends to not happen very often!) SO this morning I was awesome! I did my laundry ( I know it’s the wrong day but I wont have time tomorrow!), did the dishes, took out the garbage, did some picking up, made my presentation for Thursday, booked my hotel for Milan, and bought my plane ticket home. Phew! After that I hit a brick wall. Oops. I got stuck on dreaming about Milan and doing all of this random stuff that I didn’t get anything else done. Im going to regret that later!

Tomorrow is my football game! Fluham vs Wolves at 2pm. The weather forecast… heavy rain. 48 degrees but feels like 36. I woulnt care if I had my spanies with me. Or soccer socks. Or both. And under amour would be nice too. GAH! We shall see how it goes.

Im excited for an outing tomorrow. I feel like all I do is sit here and do work. That is basically it for the next two weeks because I have two papers due on the 16th. Well one is on the 30th but Im NOT going to want to come home from Venice/Milan/and the Lakes and write a paper. I need to have it at least done and maybe needing editing, but basically done before I leave. Sigh.

I saw an ad for the Lorax on the world wide web and watched the trailer. It looks so good! I want to see it! I even changed my profile picture to save a Brazilain forest. Im not sure how it does that though… but oh well! At least have an excuse to have cotton candy trees on my profile picture!! :)

Well there isn’t much new. I am going to pretty boring until Venice. I do have a field trip on Wednesday to Brighton though so that will be fun!
P.S the picture is the cutest glass I have ever seen. Can you imagine that with water in it? So cute. That is the only part of lecture that I paid attention to yesterday!

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