Thursday, March 8, 2012

Post 144, Pg 122, words 78,647

This morning was not my best morning. I was so tired. The night wasn’t long enough and I didn’t want to get up. Somehow I managed to get everything that I needed and dress myself and got to the tube station. When I get there I stop…. The stairs after the gates are roped off. The crowd is going down a side set of stairs.. the Jubilee line is out. I think o great. You have got to be kidding. They shoved us on the far platform and had the Metropolitan line stop to get us. Dear whoever thought of that…. You are a genius. The commute was so easy. I didn’t have to change trains from Willesden Green to Great Portland Street (my stop).

Class this morning was with Ian. It was interesting but I really had to work to stay focused. It was on lifestyle of 1830-1900’s which was pretty cool. Gotta love those CRAZY Victorians. Whoever claims we should go back to Victorian society and ideals don’t really understand the period… that would just not be fun!

After we had an hour lunch beak (Ian actually ended on TIME! CRAZY!) and then we had thesis presentations. Mine went well. The tutors thought that it was a good topic and Paddi gave me a book, and has another for me! The session was just long. We went from 1-2:20 ( I ended the first part!) and then 2:30-4. GAH. I lived though. No one’s ideas were that cool this time.

I got home late, read the paper, made dinner, ate, cleaned up, looked at the mail and skyped the parents. Then it was shower time and blog writing. Its already 11pm. I don’t know where the night went. I cant seem to keep with everything right now. GAH!

Im off to bed!

P.S the photo is one of my favorites from Brighton

1 comment:

  1. I don't think that I would want to live in the Victorian era, if that means anything :) Love you!
