Friday, March 2, 2012

Frustrating Friday

Today I woke up and didn’t want to get out of bed. Not because I was sleepy ( I had gone to bed at 11 so I was well rested) but because I was dreading my day. Today was presentation day and I didn’t want to go to school. Because I was dreading it I ended up leaving my flat later than I should, but still managed to get to school and eat my cheerios, and print off my notes and handouts for my presentation. Not too shabby!

Before my presentation I first had to sit through Ian’s presentation on the Biedermeier style. I hated it… I liked one desk in the entire 2 hours of lecture. (He went over again. Its just a given with him) So I doodled the entire time.

Side note… speaking of doodling!! It is National Doodle day! Celebs doodle and sell them on ebay to raise money for epilepsy. I checked them out.. they are pretty cool. I want the one from the actor that played Boba Fett (he drew a little Boba) but its going for 100 pounds with 9 days left! Wow!

Ok back to my day. Lunch was fun.. this is the SECOND day in the row that I socialized during lunch instead of reading. I missed my book, but I am attempting to make an effort. Sigh. After was my dreaded class. We get to class and I am told that we wont have time for me today. GAH! Now I have to wait until next week and dread it again. Im going to just try not to think about it I guess. It was an interesting class. We talked about a TON of stuff. (The English think that Rick Santorum is absolutely crazy which makes me feel better! I wont vent about him.. but I read an article about him in the Standard. He is regretting saying stuff after losing Michigan. Hmmm… I wonder why? He needed to understand the events/context in which JFK gave his speech in order to accurately comment on it. Ok Im done!)

I have had fun coloring in my coloring book :))) Also I forgot to tell everyone yesterday… I got a little kids book also yesterday. It doesn’t seem like a little kids book though! And it’s a thing in London to do every single day. I am so excited to see all of these places that I didn’t even know existed! I want to do everything in the book! (well everything cool at least!) I cant wait until this term is done because I feel like I have been holed up in my flat doing work the ENTIRE term! I am so PUMPED for Sunday though! Im going to a “football” match with Freya! It is going to be AWESOME!!!! Pictures will come!

Off to read my cool London book and practicar mio italiano per il viaggio.

P.S the picture is to prove that Bierdermeier is UGLY


  1. Sorry that you weren't able to go today. At least you're ready for next week. Will it be next Friday?

    Have fun this weekend!

  2. Yeah.... its next Friday Sigh
