Tuesday, March 6, 2012

When Reality Sets In

The morning started the same old way. I didn’t want to get up, I somehow did and made it out of the door, and was fully clothed when I did so. The weird thing about this morning was I had the train carriage all to myself for two stops this morning. I JUST missed a train, but right behind it was a new one that had just started its route so I was the only one in the car, and it was so far down the platform that no one got in until West Hampstead (two stops down the line) Kinda cool! (yes I think such small and boring things are cool. Its how I get through my mornings)

I got to school, ate my cheerios and finished my book about introverts and extroverts! It was a good and interesting read! I am now either moving on to Napoleon or “Middle Earth, Narnia, and Hogwarts”. It was a free book that looks at the major themes/religion of the three series. It looks pretty interesting! Its kinda funny that Harry Potter was banned by so many churches when it actually has such a strong Christian theme (at least I think it does. Think of the last book. I don’t want to spoil it for those who are reading this and haven’t read the books, but for those who have Harry going into the forest… that is like Aslan going to the stone table.) And there is the Christ as Magician idea in early Christian art and he is even holding a wand like stick (to show the viewer that he is performing a miracle or “magic”) Anyways I think I may change my reading order and see what the author of the book says about Christianity in Harry Potter. I think there is some there. And look at the banned book list… all of the best books have been banned at some point!

Anyways our morning lecture was about the Origins of Photography. Our lecturer was American!!! I know that probably seems weird, but you start to get excited someone is American when you live in a different country! And I think it makes you prouder to be one! (until people bring up Rick Santorum…. More on that one later) Anyways it was a good lecture! He was done EARLY and I learned quite a bit about photography. It was neat because a lot of obvious stuff that I hadn’t ever really spent that much thinking about. I liked it. It made me want to go by a good, solid SLR camera and take pictures!!

After class was a 45 minute lunch (I talked the ENTIRE time. I am getting better) and then we had a marketing/fundraising professional development. It was interesting but really not what I want to do. They both said that there is no money in working in a museum unless you are a curator/director. And you work there for the love of art, not the paycheck. Gah. I would like to love my job and make 80,000 dollars a year. That’s my life goal. Anyways the fundraising woman was cool and she said that she worked with rich people every day and you really have to treat them differently than normal people, and like doing it. Hmmm…. I think I have had training in that department. I could probably jump right in and help with that job! Chautauqua has prepared me for that one. Even though Im not sure that the people there are quite as rich as the people she works with…people with houses all over the world, who give hundreds of thousands of pounds per year to the National Gallery.

After that was Culture and Ideology that lasted forEVER. GAH! One of the presentations was about the femme-fatale and the girl was referencing Dracula and “oh everyone has read it in high school right?” Everyone nods… and she says “ok so I wont tell the story”. I did not nod… I have not read Dracula. I need to add that one to the list too. When will making videos about myself through honor’s English stop haunting me? Or watching the movie of Romeo and Juliet freshmen year. I wish we would have read a book…. Sigh. We were talking about the Victorian views on femme fatale, birth control, homosexuality and sex during class Paddi said something about a bishop who is apparently equating homosexuality with slavery and we got to talking about the modern views and someone said that all of the Victorian views sounded like Rick Santorum’s platform and… they had a point. I have never been very political before, but he just amazes me in the worst possible ways.

Alright well I going to wrap this one up before I really start pushing peoples buttons with all of this controversy in this post! I am really behind on my work and need to get going on it. (hence the when reality sinks in title to this post. I am realizing how behind I am!)Oh I do have an Evening Standard story tonight! A woman from Dakota City, Nebraska just sold a McNugget that looked like George Washington on ebay. It does bear a STRIKING resemblance to the president but I cant believe someone paid $8,000 for it. Crazy.

Off to do work!

P.S Todays picture is by Clarence White called Morning. I love it!

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