Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Back To Class

Today turned out to be a crazy and busy day. I think I ran around more than I was actually at the places though! I left my flat at noon and headed to the middle of nowhere, London. It was actually pretty easy to get to there. I hopped on my line and rode to London Bridge. Then I switched and caught a train (an overground one.. a legit one!) When I got off the train I was a bit worried, because I realized that I had looked at the google map once and my piece o’ crap phone doenst have google maps on it, so I had to go with my gut. Not always the best plan. Thankfully the gallery realized this and had the route marked with brown signs. Phew!

I got to the gallery right on time and our group looked around for an hour. I don’t know why we had to go with a tutor considering that we didn’t really talk about anything that wasn’t on the labels already. Whatever. It was a cute gallery though and it has a LOT of great things without the crowd! I recommend it!

On the way back to the train station, I strolled because there was this weird bright ball of light in the sky that I haven’t seen in a month or so! I decided to enjoy its appearance and I had a TON of free time. I LOVED the area. The houses look so nice, and they each had a yard. There were moms everywhere pushing, dragging, and chasing children. There were trees and grass and flowers. It was lovely. If I had to live in this country that is where I would live. AND it was a 10 minute train ride to London. It really doesn’t get ANY better than that.

I slowly made my way to the 4:30 handling session at Christies. I arrived at a reasonable earliness and chatted with some of the people there. A gentleman asked if we were students and we explained we were from Christies. He gets all excited because he took our course in the 90’s. He took it to learn about how and what he should collect. Seriously? We all politely smiled.

The handling session was helpful but the girl was a B*TCH!! Man she had some serious “tude and thought she was awesome. She had taken the course the few years ago, so it was nice that she knew what our test was going ot be like and helped us prepare for it. It was a long hour and a half though with that personality! I survived…

I got home at 6:45ish, made a taco for dinner (delicious!) Oh on the way home I stopped for a treat at Sainsburys. For 2 pounds I got the best desert ever. A container of strawberries, and some double cream. I was so excited. It was AWESOME! Do we have that cream at home? If not Im going to start drinking it now so MAYBE in 3 months I will be sick of it! (highly doubt it!)

After dinner I googled real estate in N. Dulwich. I found a house I really liked. 4,598,000 pounds. Yeah… the cheapest house I could find was 759,000 or something like that. No wonder it looked so nice and all the little humans had uniforms on. Gah. There goes that plan!

Im off to bed so I can be motivated tomorrow to WRITE ALL of my report. I have a good outline going so it hopefully wont be too bad! My layout rocks! It took me 45 minutes just to carefully write everything in so I better get top marks on that section! Off to bed!

P.S THis car is so cool and so dumb at the same time....

1 comment:

  1. Glad that you enjoyed it! Tacos sound really good. Also people that think they know everything get really annoying! Haha. Good luck on your paper!
