Monday, May 21, 2012

Phase Four: My Last Visitor (Potencially)

My alarm went off too early again this morning. It always seems too! This morning I decided to switch it up some… I was craving milk with my cereal. For those of you who know me, this is weird. I don’t “do” cereal and milk. I grew up with cookies for breakfast and as I have grown up some I have moved on to cheerios but… without milk. Today was different. Today I wanted milk. SO I got ready like I normally do, but instead of throwing my cheerios in a ziplock bag, I poured them into a bowl and added milk. It was tasty, but I ate so fast to avoid the getting all soggy. Soggy cereal is GROSS! But I managed to eat all of the tiny circles before they got soggy. Phew!

I was off to school a little later this morning because I didn’t need to save time to eat breakfast at school. I arrived at 10 or so, handed in my report and a library book and then sat in the lecture hall and read until class started. Today’s lecture was on Cezanne and it was by the lady who had done the two Impressionist lectures. Therefore it was a decent lecture. Decent lectures are so rare here so I appreciate them when they come!!

After lecture I was off to Heathrow to get… Alex!! Woo! It was a long ride out there but when I did finally get there I found him pretty quickly. Then I got us lost finding the tube again, and it turns out it was right in front of our face. What an awesome tour guide am I?? Gah! We made it back though and Al crashed and skyped friends while I packed for Paris. It is supposed to be high 70s everyday and EIGHTY on Friday! I packed shorts and short sleeved shirts. EPIC!

We hung around for a long time and decided it was time for dinner. I showed him where the grocery store was. I got some snacks and he got the weirdest list of items ever. (trust me!) We were walking back from the store and there was a police barricade and police cars all over on one of the side streets. One of the officers was interviewing a girl and we just walked by. I said that I wondered what the was and Alex just stared at me and asked “did you see the body?” I flipped out and wanted to see it. Apparently it was in the middle of the road! Alex kept trying to make me go back but I thought that would be awkward that I wanted to see a body. I was so disappointed that I missed it until Alex started laughing…. He was joking and I completely fell
for it. Grrr… I believed every word he said. Im so gullible.

Anyways… we got Chinese food and ate it at home. It was fun! Then it was a shower time and Alex is currently trying to find a movie to watch. He is actually staying awake pretty well. Im impressed. Im off to Paris bright and early tomorrow and I wont have blog capabilities until Friday night, so check back Saturday!!

P.S my picture is me being silly

1 comment:

  1. Hhaha. That's hilarious. Hope that you have fun in Paris!
