Sunday, May 20, 2012

Last Lazy Day Before A Crazy Week

I didn’t do much this weekend. That was my reward for finishing my report so early!! I did clean everything in sight today. My entire flat is sparkling including the stove (which is my least favorite. Give me a toilet any day. At least you aren’t touching anything!) I did enjoy reading for FUN this weekend. I haven’t had a chance to do that in a very long time. I usually only have time to read on the way to class and while Im waiting for class to start. This weekend I actually had a chance to curl up with my kindle and read until I wanted to stop!

Something I forgot to mention a while back (Thursday I think it was). While I was sitting in my Art Nouveau lecture bored out of my mind, I started thinking…. Rivendell elves love the Art Nouveau style! Seriously! Go watch The Fellowship of the Rings and tell me that their world is NOT Art Nouveau! All of the nature inspired designs and curving and fluid lines…. Totally Art Nouveau!! We saw a picture of a bust that looked JUST like a Middle Earth Elf! Not kidding. I will try to find it on google images and show it to you sometime. Once I noticed it, that was all I could think of!

Besides cleaning and reading nothing else is new. Mr. Alex Reynolds arrives tomorrow so that will be fun. After class Im heading to the airport to meet him. We only have the afternoon though because then Im home to pack and Tuesday morning (bright and early) Im off to Pear-ee (Paris) until Friday. Honestly… Im just going for the food. The duck in particular!! Other than that Im not too pumped. Im not a fan of the French. I love Italy and the Italians! Actually I am beginning to love the English too!!

Well Im off to bed before I gnaw off my hand in hunger. I had soup for dinner and then was still hungry so I made pasta at 9pm and Im STILL hungry. GAH! Until Tomorrow…

P.S the picture... obviously I need to go to Paris because Im running out. Todays is me in prague with the best potato chips (or crisps) EVER. Im hungry so I picked the picture with food...

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha. I can't believe that you were still hungry! You need to stop thinking of food. Lol!
