Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Back To Real Life

Today was one of those days that you know happened, but it is just one big blur. I barely got out of bed this morning… and when I did I moved like molasses. I somehow put clothes on, slapped on some makeup and made my lunch. I did leave enough tie to scribble a note to the handyman (that story will be coming in a minute). I got out the door, sat down on the train (which came just as I arrived at my embarking spot) and cracked open my book. I read to Baker St, fought some tourists who insist on being touristy, and read to Great Portland St. I plopped my bag in my seat (remember Im fighting a battle every day for my OWN turf that I had claimed WAY back in term 2 when I actually had people to talk to) and I ran down to the library to print off a kick butt layout of the Enlightenment Galleries (congrats Prez.. instead of knowing anything about English and great American Classics, I can work a computer) and returned my library book. Oh and I ate my cheerios. I don’t know what it is this week… but I am really eating a lot of stale food lately. My cheerios were so SO stale. Add that to two expired tv dinners and I am on a roll…. Sigh. Phew! Busy busy morning I had.

Class was a waste of time. Honestly I am now more confused about what the stupid Aesthetic movement is now than I was last night at this time (and let me tell you… I was pretty lost then!) I understand that the 1830’s and on is one big mess of styles and that they all intertwine. Fine. But we had an hour of half of flipping through images and having the lady tell us that she liked them, and then how she would call it aesthetic, or maybe art noveau. Whatever. Seriously? I wanted to bang my head against the wall. The only highlight was a small victory on my part. She throws a up peacock feather vase on the screen and I instantly tell myself its Tiffany… it was. BAM! Freaking Genius.

During lunch I ate (shocker) and hit up the computer lab and the library. I had an inkling of motivation so I went with it! At 1pm we had a curatorial class… yeah. Umm… I looked at brochures that the lady passed around and that is all I really got from it. Oh I lied… I did learn that everyone (basically) reads the first 10 words of a label and that only 20% of people read the rest. That’s what I learned in an hour and a half. She was a raelly nice lady who wanted to help, but she kept going off on tangents. She would ask someone what their thesis topic was and then go off in an unrelated soliloquy for 10 minutes. Glad I went to that…

Today we (we as in all of the people who are going to Woburn on Thursday) were hoping to get some information about our overnight field trip… basic information such as leaving time, returning estimate, food.. stuff like nope. We got nothing. So now we are hoping to hear tomorrow but we aren’t holding our breaths.

Back to why I wrote a note to the handyman…. Last night (and I think it was Sunday also) my lights went out. All of them minus my kitchen overhead light. Ok… well my landlord and Jack had been here last week sometime messing around with the electric and had blown the fuse. They came in and flipped a switch in the box near the ceiling in my hall and it all came back on. Problem solved. Well not quite.. Sunday it happened again and I flipped the switch just like they had done. The lights came back on and I sat down on the couch and Poof… they went back off. They wouldn’t stay on for more than a minute or so. Then around 11 they stayed on and I didn’t have a problem the next night so I forgot about it. Stupid me. Last night it happened again, but they would stay on for literally 15 seconds. This time I texted Jack and he said that a handyman would come today. So I wrote a note telling mystery man what was going on. I came home and the note was gone, the white fuse switch was now black, and I could smell that someone had been in my flat. (I know that it weird and freaky but I totally could. I think Im growing a super nose!) Apparently it is fixed and the lights are on right now, but Ill keep you posted!!

I finished my book today. The one about Harold. If you want a really cute book that is really depressing but uplifting at the same time (yeah I don’t really get how that works either…) I recommend it!! It was so good and an easy read (considering I started it last night and finished it today!)

Random thoughts…. A confession. I admit. I stalk on facebook. If you are friends with me I have perused your wall to see what’s happening in an attempt to pass time that I should be doing something else. (it is quite effective!) What is odd is what I notice. First an important note, I haven’t seen vey many people from high school since the best day of my life (ok second best. HWS beats the PCS graduation by a long shot) in June as I skipped out of the auditorium to On My Way, happy to never look back. So it is intriguing that while I stalk I learn things such as… who is exactly how they were in high school. Like haven’t changed at ALL. Or the ones who have changed, but not necessarily for the better, or the more boring ones who have grown up, matured and moved on. Its just odd. What is even MORE odd is seeing the pages of the kids who were little when I was a senior. (ok not little. But Freshman/8th graders) What are some of them thinking?? Its just weird to see the sweet little awkward kids who barely have any clothes on, are still awkward but think they are the coolest thing that is on this planet. And I love seeing what people choose to post. Like having a red solo cup in your hand…. We aren’t stupid. Facebook is just a weird thing… Amusing but weird.

Ok well Im off to shower after that weird rant! Im hoping to go to bed early so I can face the day tomorrow. June 22 NEEDS to come. I haven’t been this pumped for school to be over since senior year of high school…

P.S The picture... Im going down memory lane this week. I miss my crew and HWS

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