Saturday, May 26, 2012

Paris: Day 4

Guess who didn’t want to get up this morning?? It was just so depressing that I woke up with my feet hurting. Really? Arent they supposed to feel better after a night’s rest? Maybe they didn’t because I didn’t sleep at ALL… that could be. Anyways I love how I couldn’t sleep all night but then when my alarm goes off Im actually asleep and now sleepy. It happens every time!

Somehow I got up, dressed, and packed on time. Isabel and I ate breakfast in a window seat overlooking the train station. So nice! Then we checked out and waited in the lobby for the rest of our group. Andrew arrived and RAN us to the train station to catch our train…. We just made it! The train was really modern inside with cool multi-colored everything and A/C. That would come in handy later!

It was only a 20 minute train ride to the Chateau and before we knew it we were deep in the woods. I LOVED it. It smelled so good and it was quiet. Lovely. People couldn’t believe that woods were normal for me! It was nice to be surrounded by nature instead of concrete and cars! The walk wasn’t long enough (although we were all sweating. It was at least 75 degrees!). In a nutshell…. The Chateau was a Renaissance museum and was decent. We walked around and discussed the things inside. Not much to write about really…

We headed back the way we came and went through the woods again. By 12:40 we were on the train headed back into Paris! We all took the metro together to the spot that we had to be after lunch. Eliza, Isabel, Mariel and I went to the grocery store and they bought lunch. I had my subway sub left over from dinner so I munched on that! We sat on benches outside and chatted while we ate. Then we hit up a Starbucks for the loo and headed to the last museum.

There isn’t much to say about this visit either! We looked mainly at chairs to get the timeline of their development down but we did check out other pieces of furniture. I was so overheated and I had checked my bag, so I was without water. I kept hoping that I wasn’t going to pass out. I fanned myself with my brochure and hoped. I didn’t which was very very nice!

After the visit Eliza, Isabel and I decided that since it was such a beautiful day that we would walk to the train station. I found a magnet on the way (it’s the Eiffel Tower) so I was extremely happy! By the time we got to the hotel my feet were shot, as were my calves. I sat for a minute before heading across the street to the train station. We were a bit confused where to go, but we figured it out and got through security without a problem. The UK border guy only asked me what I was studying and didn’t interrogate me which was a nice change! As soon as we walked into the lounge our platform was announced! Talk about perfect timing!! We boarded the train and it felt so amazing to sit down. I didn’t want to move!

2 hours later (at 9pm) our train pulled into St. Pancras. I didn’t want to walk, but at the same time I just wanted to get home. It was a smooth trip and I was home quickly. I unlocked my door and found my flat intact, and Alex hanging out (with a cold…) I posted some pictures, my posts, showered and interrogated Alex about his time in London. Then I was off to bed! PHEW! I was so SO glad to be home. I was talking to other people in our group and they also felt like the days in Paris were too hectic and long. Everyone liked the pace in Venice much better! I wasn’t the only one! I think I was the only one who didn’t like Paris though…. Oh well!

P.S the picture is of me in a sotre that was transferred to the museum!

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