Friday, May 25, 2012

Paris: Day 2

Today was a long day. Im so tired lounging here in my bed. Gah! We left at 9am this morning and got back at 9:15pm. That is a 12 hour day!!! I woke up at 7:30 and managed to drag myself out of bed by 7:45. It was rough! I got dressed and ready and then Isabel and I headed to breakfast. It was a decent breakfast! I ate two croissants, a huge helping of bacon and lots of other things. We then hung out in the lounge and headed out the door to meet our group.

Im not a fan of the Paris Metro. NOT a fan. The cool thing is that the doors can be opened while the train is still moving! Its so cool. We rode to our stop and somehow beat everyone there! Eventually everyone showed up and we took a walking tour of a section of Paris to look at the architecture. It was a residential area, which was nice, and it was green with trees and grass! I liked the green!

After our architecture tour we headed to a museum that was packed full of Impressionist work. Many Monet! There was also a great Berthe Morisot exhibit that was going on. It was amazing! Almost worth it to come to Paris just for that! We stayed there for two hours and by the end I was really tired and it was only 1pm!

We followed Jacqui back to where we were supposed to meet at 2pm and then all split up to find lunch. I had three rolls with me and while Isabel was searching for a sandwich I found a cute fruit store and bought two apples. I HATE not being able to speak French or understand them. I just smile and give them money. I feel like such a tourist AND I told some thank you in Italian. Awesome Anna. Awesome. Everything that they say just sounds like one big jumble of nothing!

After we sat on the bench and ate, it was time to find our group again. In the afternoon we were all headed to a 1930’s museum which sounded cool! It ended up not being all that interesting and quickly the group started to crash. She let us be free at 3:30 and we were all glad to be done. By this point it was HOT out and SUNNY! It was so SO nice to feel the sun! Isabel, Eliza and I decided to head to the Tuilleries which is the garden in front of the Louvre. We got there at about 4 and the three of us sat and talked until Eliza had to go meet a friend that is in Paris. Isabel and I ended up sitting there until 6:40 or so… I was ansty. It felt like forever once Eliza left! FINALLY we moved and walked up towards the Louvre.

We wandered around and I made Isabel take a photo of me in front of the Louvre. I had been there before but I have NO photos of me from the trip at all! I am trying to make up for it! After that I scouted out the hotel Uncle Billy and I had stayed at. I found it without a problem! YES! And the restaurant was still across the street. I wanted to go but the duck was 19 euro. Gah!

We wandered towards the hotel and ended up near where we had been the night before. We went down the passageway and the restaurant that we had tried to go to last night was actually opened tonight! It was so YUMMY! I had… duck again :) It was a lot better than the night before with an amazing red wine sauce. I wish that it was a never ending plate! We did the formula menu so we got a desert too. I got raspberry rhubarb pie… YUM! It was very good! The set menu was 21 euro and we each had a glass of wine so I ended up paying 25 euro for dinner. Yikes! It will be the only time that I spend that much! It was frustrating though because I could have spent that at the other place that I wanted to go to….

After dinner we made the long trek home. Even after sitting so long in the park, I was beat. Basking in the sun probably didn’t help! Somehow we made it back and I crashed and looked through the days pictures while Isabel showered. Then it was my turn, and now Im writing this! I am so tired though so I am off to bed to prepare for another long day tomorrow. These trips are exhausting!

P.S me and the Louvre!

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