Wednesday, May 9, 2012

One of Those Days

It was one of those days… the kind that you just want to pull the covers back over your head when the alarm goes off, and as the day goes on you realize that you should have done just that. This morning was normal and got to school on time. The thing that was crazy… I didn’t have cheerios. I had mini chocolate Wheaties for the first time in my life. CRAZY! They were good! I have another coupon so I think Im going to get them again!

The lecture this morning was on Symbolism (yup the Symbolism with a capital S). I still know nothing about it. We basically just saw a lot of different works and artists, but we didn’t really get told the features of the style. The one thing I did learn is that there isn’t a common denominator, in terms of style, through the Symbolist paintings. Ok…. Thanks. It was a fun lecture because Paddi told a lot of jokes but I still don’t really know what the essence of Symbolism is. We did get the timetable for Woburn at the end of the lecture which was nice!

Lunch was nothing amazing to speak of. I did take a walk to get an envelope to mail my parents a cd of picture. It was a nice walk on the way there, but on the way back it rained. Should have brought the umbrella…

I was in the lecture room early, and chatted with the really nice girl who sits next me and felt better that I wasn’t the only one who didn’t get anything from the morning lecture! Our afternoon lecture was the best we have all year (yup not term, all year!) He actually works at Christies Edu. He is in charge of the short courses that they do, and I want to sign up for everyone if he is the lecturer! He was amazing. He could actually lecture (which is new here) and I wanted to run up and hug him and tell him that he needs to teach the other tutors how to give one. I learned a lot about and Gogh and Gauguin and I actually thought during the lecture. That hasn’t happened since HWS. It was refreshing. I scribbled notes and was engaged. I loved that guy!

On the way home I had to stop off and mail my package to my parents. The third thing that I am going to do when I get home (after eating wings and driving Lucy) is I am going to the post office in Ashville and mailing something to somewhere. I HATE the post office here. I was in line for 37 minutes and then my teller guy wanted to make it so mom and dad would have to sign for the package. Ummm no. Finally I told him it was worth about a pound and he shut up. I was too grumpy to handle him after standing in line for 37 minutes.

While I was in line I stared two little girls down. They were there to add minutes to their CELL PHONES. The 11 year old (im guessing but she was really young) had a iphone and her little sister (im guessing) was probably 9 or so and had a smart phone of some kind. They were in line texting and the older sister was telling the little one that she had just met this boy but she was hopeful. WHAT?? You are 11! Who gives an eleven year old a cell phone, let alone a iphone! I was blown away.

I came home and didn’t do all that much thanks to taking an unplanned nap. I changed my nail color (from highlighter yellow to pink) in case I meet a duchess tomorrow at Woburn. I burned my hand from grabbing my garlic from the oven with my bare hand (yup. Im a genius), I spilled 100 of my 500 q-tips when I knocked the box off, and finally stepped on two magazines (they were in a pile to put in the garbage) and went flying across the living room, smashing into the table and sending an avalanche of my birthday cards which ended up raining around me. It would have been funny if that was the 1st thing that had happened, not the last! Its funny now when I picture it, but not at the moment!

Well I need to go shower and more importantly pack. Im in denial that I have to go on this overnight trip so I have avoided packing. I need to get on that though. If I don’t have means to post tomorrow Ill post everything Friday!

P.S The picture is of me at the queens stables!

1 comment:

  1. Again, I love your posts! I thought that I had it bad at the post office. That is a very long time to stand in line! Crazyness. Just so you know too many parents now don't think about what they are doing to their children. I would say that 95% of my freshmen have smart phones. Texting/internet/etc is all they do. They don't know how to have a normal conversation. It's really sad. And yes even younger kids have phones. I could see a basic crappy prepaid phone but not a smartphone. Geesh. Crazy. I can honestly say that I am happy that I grew up without a cell phone!

    Also, I am sorry to say...but the imagery that you gave me about you falling is hilarious!

    Have fun on your trip!!
