Thursday, May 17, 2012

Back to Normal

Today was a normal, boring day at school. I went to bed last night at 11:15 all ready for the next day and… I laid there for 2 hours WIDE awake. Awesome. So this morning when my alarm went off I was not a happy camper. I laid in bed telling myself that I needed to move, but not actually doing so. Let’s just say I ended up running late! Gah.

The commute was boring EXCEPT I was thrown off when I got to my platform at Baker Street. The re-painted the white line along the edge of the platform which means that the marks that I always looked for because a door stopped RIGHT there was GONE. I had to GUESS. What is up with that?? (I did guess correctly btw) The tube people are ruining my morning routine and making me think. I don’t like it…. The platform did look nice though.

I got to school only 5 minutes later than usual, and I still could snag my seat, eat my wheaties (im a fan!) and chat with some of the girls. Im such a chatter. :) My loan check came into today. Holla!

The morning lecture was long, and I was tired and the guy puts me to sleep on a good day. I kept drinking water to keep me awake! I like the Art Nouveau style though! The guy just has that way of talking that kills me. Somehow I survived and then they asked us to stay so they could film us for a promotional movie about the course. A lot of people left, but I felt bad for them so I sat there while we had a “fake” lecture. I was in the back so I don’t think I starred in it!

After my film debut, I ate lunch and hit up the library. I needed a museum theory book considering we need to talk about it in our report but have never talked about in our lectures. Awesome. Then I went to HSBC to put the money in the bank! I love doing that. It was my last check though.. so that was sad. And it is sad that its not free money like it feels like it is. I have to pay it back?? Crap!

At 1:30 we had a print handling session and to be honest.. I was dreading it. That was until I walked into the room and the man (David) was wearing bright yellow corduroy pants and a royal blue/white striped shirt. He was instantly my favorite guy and he was incredibly nice. We started looking at prints and the film crew came back. I was DEF in those shots. Im going to be a star… : ) Anyways the session was really good and he was super duper helpful!

At 2 I was free and I headed to Dunhill to pick up Dads pipe. Long story short, it was at the warehouse today not their store so I have to go back tomorrow. MAN did I feel out of place. After I popped into Fortnum and Masons (I know I know. Im addicted) and I was looking around at their new stuff and I saw… the cupcakes. I haven’t a cupcake since… I don’t even remember. I got a walnut and coffee on AND a champagne one that has a champagne truffle on the top. They weren’t too bad.. 2 pounds apiece. I decided it was ok for a tiny treat. And where else can you get cupcakes handed to you by a man in a full tuxedo? That, my friends, is CLASSY. I walnut one was exceptionally tasty and when Im done writing my blog Im going to eat the other one! :)

When I got home I read parts of the book and finished my crap report. Then I made Indian Korma Chicken and rice. It actually turned out which was really exciting!!! By the time I made dinner (it took 40 minutes!) and ate it, it was 8pm and I showered and here I am writing my blog while being distracted by youtube!

To reward myself for getting my report done before the weekend I am going on an ADVENTURE tomorrow so check back in for a crazy post! (I hope anyways.. if my adventure is a success!) Wow nothing like advertising my blog! Sorry!

P.S Sorry for not writing yesterday but ALL i did was write my report!
P.S.S todays picture is random once again. Me in Ollivanders Wand store!

1 comment:

  1. I love your blogs! They are very entertaining. I'm glad that your classes went well and if your awesome video shows up on the Internet make sure you let us know! I can't wait to hear about your adventure!
