Friday, May 4, 2012

May the Fourth be With You!

Happy Star Wars day! I hope you all are bunkered down on the couch with lots of munchies and having a Star Wars Marathon! Also I hope those with Darth outfits for their cocker spaniels are dusting it off and putting it on their dog. (Hint Hint Katie….)

Today was a good day for the most part, and the parts that were meh were actually better because it was a Friday. It is amazing how bad moments on a Friday are infinitely better than the bad moments that spring up on Mondays. Another reason to LOVE Fridays! Anyways… I got out of bed pretty well this morning. I think it had something to do with going to bed before midnight. I did have this crazy horrible dream that woke me up at four… that was creepy (yeah.. you aren’t getting details. I think someone will interpret it and then people will come and throw me in an institution. Yup it was THAT bad!

The commute was easy like it is every Friday. I still cant figure out why Friday is so quiet on the way into school. Do people go in earlier on Friday? Do they not work on Friday?? Why is it so quiet!! Well Baker Street was a hassle this morning because EVERYONE had a huge camera and were taking pictures of the Sherlock heads. Is it really tourist season ALREADY?? Noooo!!! I did make it to school and switched up my morning routine some… Instead of heading into the common room to munch on cheerios, I went into the lecture room and I claimed my seat! There is a lady who is new this term (apparently she popped out a kid last year and for some reason didn’t come to term 3… I wonder why? So she is finishing now) and she takes Freya’s/ny seat every day. We don’t have assigned seats in class, but everyone sits in the exact same spot everyday and chats to the people around them. It’s a ritual and I LIKE it. But baby-lady has been throwing the entire room off with her seat stealing so today I fought back! dun dun dun!!! I don’t know why but that felt needed… anyways I reclaimed my territory and by doing so got to sign up in the Paris list pretty early. We have to split into 4 groups and I picked the one with the best people in it. All of my friends ended up in my group but they are all really lopsided, so I am hoping that they don’t re-distribute us.

Then it was time for eating my cheerios, chatting and then heading back in for lecture. Kathy Adler was back to tell us what happened after the 5 year window of Impressionism and basically all that I thought I knew about Impressionism and who was an Impressionist went out the window… this lady knows her stuff! She kept asking if you knew about an artist, or a concept and we all just kind of looked at her and she kept being appalled that we hadn’t gone over that. I wanted to say “Im with you lady” and tell her she is the only person we have had so far that knows how to LECTURE and teach us art historical things.

After the lecture was lunch time. I chatted some, and then read some more of Bill Bryson’s book. I literally laugh out loud reading it. I LOVE it. He is so funny and observant which makes the perfect combination. Im almost done with it though which is good because I have a lot of other books lined up to read, but bad because I don’t want the Bill Bryson one to end!

The afternoon lecture was a typical Christies lecture… it skimmed over the topic (Christopher Dresser) but didn’t really teach us anything… just that that style looked at nature. Wow.. thanks. I could have gotten that by going to a museum and looking at his work. Speaking a nature… mention Origins of Species to anyone and basically they always have a strong opinion. I always hear the opinions, but I have actually never read it which is appalling considering how big of an effect it had on basically every academic discipline. It is going on my reading list.

Well I think that is it for the day. I have spent the night lounging in pjs, watching tv and chilling before my big work weekend!! (Im hoping that is how this weekend goes!) I tried to get all of my laziness out of my tonight so I will be ready to go tomorrow!

Oh I forgot… if any one has great ideas fo my life please let me know. Its time for the “Im going to be done with school and entering this horrible thing called the real world” crisis and could use good ideas!

P.S the picture is old.. but in honor of Star Wars day with my cookies! Thanks to my FAVORITE kitchen supply store William-Sonoma!

1 comment:

  1. Haha. You crack me up. We did not dress her up but we did play the theme and talked to her about it :)

    I'm glad that you fought back for your seat! I would have also. I am also glad that you got the group that you wanted for Paris.

    Have a nice long weekend!!

    P.S. find a job at the Richmond Holocaust museum and work/live around here so I can see you all the time!!!
