Sunday, May 27, 2012

Day with Al

I set my alarm this morning for 10 so I wouldn’t waste all of Al’s last day in London. We didn’t walk out the door until 11 or so. It was beautiful out!!! 80 degrees which meant a sundress and sunglasses. Perfect! I wanted to go to Borough Market to get some asparagus so Alex came with me. We got there and I don’t think he was a fan… I think it was too crowded. We did run into two guys from school though in the crowd! Crazy!

After Borough we walked to the Tower of London. It isn’t a crazy distance away, but it’s a hike. Alex decided he wanted to go inside the buildings so we explored things that I haven’t seen before. And I learned that the last person executed there was right before WWII!! WHOA! That was fun! It still isn’t worth 20 pounds apiece though! He decided against the Crown Jewels even though there wasn’t a line. He is crazy! That is the best part! After wandering some we started walking back towards downtown London. We ended up walking to St Pauls! Gah! It was so hot out and I was so SO tired from Paris! We made it though and found the Cheshire Cheese pub (its really old) on Fleet Street. The food was so good. I had Cottage Pie an Alex had a Steak and Ale pie. YUM!!

After lunch (at like 3) Alex decided he still wanted to walk around. We saw that Starbucks was having a happy hour ½ price frappies everyday from 3-5 until June 5th so we both got one. It was yummy and refreshing! My feel still hurt though! To make a long story a little shorter we ended up walking to Trafalgar Square, around the National Gallery, and then all the way to Green Park tube stop. I basically walked across London the day I got back from walking across Paris everyday. I survived but I was happy to be heading home!

The night was chill. We got food from the grocery store for dinner and just hung out. It was awesome to have him here in London. It was weird colliding my high school world with London! The best thing about it though was that we were actually in Europe together. EVERY summer (since proably Junior year of high school since last summer) the first thing we would do was to go to Timmy Hortons, sit with an Ice Capp and complain that we were stuck in Chautauqua County again and working at the Institution AGAIN. We would always said that we would get out of there and go to Europe and see all of these things. Then here we were, sitting in London this summer drinking a Starbucks relieved that we weren’t in WNY. (I have to admit… I miss the crew that I worked with at CHQ already!! Just not the customers!) It was pretty cool. It took us 7 or so years but we got there!

P.S Picture is of Al in the Cheshire Cheese

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an awesome day. I am sure that your feet hurt though! Your pictures look awesome. And, if I were Alex I would have seen the crown jewels. How could you miss that? The pub looked very good! I wish that we had pubs like that here at home. I could come home and open an English pub. Adam will brew/make cider for you and I will cook, mom can bake! What a wonderful idea. That is certainly an idea that no one has thought of yet for you
