Friday, May 18, 2012


Why do mornings come so FAST? I close my eyes all happy to be cozy in bed and BAM! Your alarm clock is screeching at you to get out of bed. Its just mean. The only good thing… today was a Friday! I love Fridays!!! Somehow I got myself out of the door in one piece and fully clothed. I was running late though, but for some reason I strolled to the tube station. I really cared this morning…

The commute was boring… I read about a Amish man who decided to leave the community. Its actually super interesting! I am only a third of the way through it though so he hasn’t left yet. Anyways I got to school late (a whole 10 minutes late. This is why I have a cushion of time!) and remembered that it was prospective student day. Crap. There was no way that I was going in the common room. What happened if one of the prospective asked me how I liked the course? I have heard that Im not a good liar… my face tends to give me away so what was I supposed to stammer if someone asked. I was proactive and didn’t let myself get into the situation! I headed into the lecture theatre instead and snuck my wheaties from my bag into my mouth. I started reading but then Jen came and we chatted until class started. It was nice, she is really sweet!

Christies really isn’t all that bright… as I have told you, today was prospective students day. You would think for this course you would have a lecture that was art/object/art history related. This was not the case. The lecture “Paris 1900” was an overview of Paris/the 1900 exhibition. Not the smartest idea. I thought Paddi was going over the hour and a half, and I turned around to look at the clock… it was only 11:10. We had only been in there for 55 mins, and had 35 left to go. Torture. They need some marketing skills… but then again at least the students got a realistic impression.

After class I ate lunch and then went to the library to print my report! It just wasn’t my day with printing… the printing gods were determined not to let me succeed. First I didn’t have any more credit so I had to take a walk down to the HSBC and get money out because the minimum top-up is 5 pounds… in cash. I really do love that place. Sigh. So I came back, paid five-pounds, pushed print and the printer was jammed. Jen and I spent 10 minutes pulling paper out of crevices that we didn’t know that printers had. Eventually we gave up and went to find help, and the tech guy comes over and pulls out the ONLY piece of paper left in the stupid thing which was in a crevice that we never would have found. My paper finally came out… but really. That required too much effort!

After that debacle, I headed on my adventure. I have to warn you… it wasn’t as cool as I was hoping, nor as extensive. I headed to the Wellcome Collection to see the exhibit on……. Wait for it…. You will never guess…. Keep trying though…. Given up????.... Brains!!! I went to see a million brains, but there were only a few. It was pretty epic though! It didn’t bother me at all until I was dumb enough to watch a video of a post-death examine and they were removing the brain. I was fine until the brain was out and I was looking at the empty bowl of the person’s head. I think the room spinned.. so I walked away really fast and looked at something else! Do you know that there was a crazy guy at Cornell who collected brains and studied them? Half the brains there were from his Cornell Collection. Who knew! Weird stuff you learn on the other side of the world. Oh and the Auburn prison supplied him with the “criminal” brains to compare them to respectable gentlemen. Fascinating.

Next I was off to Dunhill to get Dad’s pipe that they had repaired. That store is so intimating. First I would love to open my own door thanks. Second, there is no one in the store but 6 guys standing there in suits (Yes I really did count). One is getting the pipe, so there are 5 guys staring at me and I am trying hard not to stare at them. I made the mistake today of looking at the watches in the case while I waited, and instantly was sprung upon by one of the men in black. Gah! The guy with the pipe finally came out and asked me what was wrong with the pipe so he could make sure everything was ok. I said “I don’t know but when we brought it in it was only half there, and now the entire thing is there so that must be a sign of improvement.” And smiled. I got a stare in return. Note to self… they must not be used to humor in this store. Ok… awkward. I attempted to repair the damage but didn’t really succeed. Then he asked if I would like a bag. Honestly I said yes JUST because I wanted to walk out of there swinging a bag! (in all practicality I needed one because my bag was full of books and dad would kill me if I broke his newly fixed pipe) I booked it out of there and was free of the stuffy, but yet extremely classy Alfred Dunhill store. Ill admit, if I was a guy and had enough money to feed everyone in the world and had money left over I would buy my clothes there. They are SPIFFY! One of the guys was hand hemming a pant leg for a gentleman when I was there yesterday. That is service.

After I was going to go check out Abbey Road, but it was raining and who wants to go look at a crosswalk in the rain? So I came home and chilled. I am so glad my report is done so I can relax before my busy week next week!! Wooo!!!

P.S SInce I couldnt take pictures of the brain... here is a random picture again. This time of me drinking butterbeer! So my mother doesnt yell at me I need to insert this disclaimer... No alcohol was consumed while taking this photo... it was a family friendly non-alcoholic drink!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, so honestly you should consider a career in writing. Your blogs make me laugh so much! First of all welcome to the world of company printers. It is SO frustrating when they get jammed! Second of all I am truely amazed that you went to a brain exhibit. That sounds so cool! But I a glad that you didn't pass out!

    Your dun hill experience is hilarious! I loved your humor!

    Whenever you don't have rain, which sounds me never, you'll have to let us know how Abby road is. Adam is waiting for your review, lol!
