Monday, May 7, 2012

Bank Holiday!

I have no idea what a Bank Holiday is, or what they are for but I do know that I don’t have to go to school so I’m a fan of the mysterious holiday. I slept until I couldn’t sleep anymore, had a quick skype date and then I was in a cleaning mood. I don’t know where these come from, but I usually just go with it when they crop up. I put away my laundry (well the stuff that was dry!), went through drawers and re-organized them (all of my clothes now live in the same room. I don’t have to walk around partially clothed, searching for clothes!), I did the dishes and straighten up the living room. Then I ate lunch and decided that I needed to do some thesis planning which ended in me saying mean things at the Christies website…

I am the kind of girl who needs a deadline when it comes to projects, papers, and readings. I also crash and burn when I have too much free time. I need to be busy enough to NEED to employ my time management skills. (which are impeccable if I have enough to do!) Today I had school motivation which hasn’t happened to me since I was writing my honors thesis! (Yup that was a year ago). I think I have figured out my lack of motivation and sense of caring problem. I am used to having midterms, finals, required readings, and papers galore in undergrad. I liked all that work because it kept me focused. I loved going to the Warren Hunting Smith library and bunker down at a window with a pile of junk food and spend my day there, working away and getting things done early. Yup I was that type of student. I thrived with a busy schedule. In high school my grades were better during sports seasons. Christies is a problem for me… I have a project during the term, and two papers due at the very end of each term. Yup that’s it. While some of you may be jealous, I cant do it. I lounge around until I start to feel the pressure. Then for the week that my two papers are due, I manage my time and crank them out. Basically I miss the American way of doing things. My test in this term is worth a HUGE chunk of my overall grade… gotta love basing ones grade on a performance on one test… gah!

Anyways I decided to be a good little student today and make a calendar with my little due dates for each step of my thesis writing process. I had it all mapped out, highlighted each due date with a green marker in my plan and then thought “Oh I better check and make sure that the 18th of Sept is the due date”. In class our program director said that he thought it was the 18th or 19th. I went on the website, scrolled down to due and it read “Thesis Deadline. Set 12th. To Be Confirmed.” WHAT??? Its MAY 7th! How do they not have a deadline date for our thesis? I knew when my Honor’s Project deadline was before I committed to even doing an Honor’s thesis!! See what Im working with here?? Ridiculous.

On top of finding out that we apparently don’t have a deadline yet for our thesis, I saw that the entire thing should be 12,000-17,000 words. Really?? This may not be that bad. My Honors thesis was 12,989 words excluding footnotes and such. If I can do it once, I can do it again!

Other random updates… Im starting a new book today! The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry and its really cute so far! Im hoping that it is as god as everyone says. Has anyone read Fifty Shades of Grey?? That may be my next one… everyone is reading it over here!

I love the styles over here… they are way better than the clothes one finds at home! There is ONE style that I am hoping doesn’t spread. The “wear tights under shorts” trend. It is like the “wear leggings as if they are pants trend”. You are covering your body with fabric, yet people can still see everything. The shorts girls wear with tights are non-existent, like the tights aren’t see through or something. Its just so strange… I hope it doenst catch on anywhere else!!

Ok well Im going to end this boring post and go eat dinner. Tonight is another tv dinner (they were on sale last week!) and this one is only one day older than the expiration date instead of too. (somehow y meals that I had planned lasted longer than I thought they would last week). Gotta love eating expired food…. Hopefully I wouldn’t mess up my dinner schedule this badly ever again!!

Picture: since this post was all about me ranting about my upcoming thesis... the picture is of the President giving me my Honors thesis all bound! (actually we re-staged the picture but you get the point)

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand what you mean about having a deadline! I like deadlines also so I can plan my time. There are still educational institutes in the US that don't make deadlines until the week/days before its supposed to be due/happen. Frustrating!

    I hope that the tights and short shorts do not catch on either! Ewwww.

    Sounds like that you had a productive day otherwise!!
