Sunday, May 27, 2012

A Horrible Morning!

So you would think that the person who lives in the city and knows it pretty well would be able to get a guest to the airport in time for him to catch his plane to Switzerland. That is false. It wasn’t TOTALLY my fault that Alex missed his plane, but I was kinda instrumental. Oops. Lets start at the beginning…

We woke up at 3:45am… I was running on 4 hours of sleep and was tired from the crazy week in Paris. We went towards the bus station and I realized that I had forgotten the extra oyster card for Alex because we didn’t know how much money was left on his. I literally ran back to the flat, up the stairs, dug through my drawer, ran back downstairs and to the bus stop. The bus pulls up as Im catching my breath and we hop on. We are riding along and about 2 stops into the route I start paying attention to my surroundings. The bus is going to Hammersmith. Its going the wrong way. I got on the wrong bus. I tell Alex to get off and we walk across the street to the other bus stop. The next 266 doesn’t come for 25 minutes. Things are going to be close. (this is missed opportunity #1. We are going to keep track!) I suggested a taxi, but he chose the bus. (chance #2)

The bus comes and the driver floors it to the end of the line. Just what we needed! We can def still make it! We start walking to the next bus stop. This is snag number 3… we get lost. It was a system of flyovers and pedestrian walkways without signs. It was horrible. We figure it out, and see the road we need to get to. We are just crossing underneath when we see the 113 bus leave the stop. Yay we are going the right way! We get to the stop and I check the timetable. At this point we need to get Al to the 5:52am bus to the airport… his last hope. My stomach dropped when I saw the bus was coming at 5:50 and it was a ten minute ride. We were going to miss the easybus. I did NOT want to tell Al! I did though and he decided on a taxi. At that VERY moment a taxi comes over the hill. Alex flags it down and it doenst stop. (missed opportunity #4). Are you kidding me? I think it was because we were at a bus stop and he thought we were flagging a bus behind him?? I don’t know. All I know is that it didn’t stop.

I suggest going to the taxi center at the shopping centre to see if there is a number to call a taxi. I call for Al while he gets money out. The guy says 15 minutes. Ok… still cutting it close but he should make it to the airport on time. The taxi shows up 25-30 minutes later. (chance #5). It is now 6:25 and it’s a 30-40 minute trip to the Luton from where we were. The gate closes at 6:55. I knew at this point that wasn’t a point in him taking the taxi, but he did. I hopped on the bus and headed home.

At 7:15 I get the call that he missed his flight. Also his bag broke and his sunglasses were under my couch. Talk about an epic fail of a morning. I message his friend who was going to pick him up in Switzerland (Alex didn’t have his number…. No idea why he didn’t). I figure that out and I was planning to sleep but I was wide awake. I ended up getting ink ALL over my sweatpants (my good HWS ones) so I go in the kitchen to start a load of laundry and my overhead lightbulb explodes. Ok… cool. I make some tea while I wait and end up spilling a 1/4th of the boiling hot tea down my front. It kinda hurt. At this point (9:30am) I decided to go back to bed and start the day over!

My alarm went off at noon and I dragged myself out of bed so I could go grocery shopping before I skyped my parents. It was 78 out and I got to wear a sundress and sandals to Sainsbury’s! Such a treat! (minus the blisters I got…) I spent too much money but I was craving chicken wing dip and cant stand it anymore! Im excited for dinners this week. No expired tv dinners for me! I got home JUST in time to skype mom. (I forgot to mention in my Paris post… I bought ONE thing in Paris!! ONE magnet! I did SO well not shopping. Im so incredibly proud of myself!)

After I decided to relax and watch Glee (I cried through the end. Ill admit) and then did something truly awesome… read for fun! It was so nice to relax with a good book and not realize how much time is going by. I read all afternoon and loved every second!

I am getting Alex’s cold. My throat is sore. Grrr! I did find candy I forgot I had and that completely made my day. A year ago finding candy wouldn’t mean anything, but now that I am here I don’t buy it and eat a lot healthier. It the whole living in Europe thing! So candy is a treat now!!

Nothing else is really new. Oh I did paint my nails! They are dark pink (not that anyone probably cares!) Im off to write yesterdays post then it time for dinner and a shower!

P.S i picked the picture since I had so much fun reading today!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a bad start to the day! Sorry to hear and I'm sure that wasn't the best way to end his London trip! You probably got the cold because you hardly had any sleep! Haha. I hope that you feel better and that you can enjoy your dinners this week.
