Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ahhh... Break!

I needed it to be Friday. Most weeks Im just glad to see it… this week I NEEDED it to be here. It is and I am extremely grateful. Lets start at the beginning of a long LONG day. I got up, did the normal routine, and walked out the door 5 minutes late. I stepped out into a chilly morning but.. there was traces of snow of the sidewalks. Crap. I sped walked to the tube and just as I thought… the Jubilee line was experiencing severe delays. Awesome. There happened to be a train just pulling in that terminated at Finchley Road (nowhere near where I wanted to be). I could catch the Metropolitan line from there and get into Baker Street, so I hopped on. The train was packed and there weren’t any seats. At the next stop they decided to send us through the entire line so thankfully I got into Baker Street just fine. I go to Platform three and I cant move down it because of the hoard of people. A train arrives and I see that about 5 people get in at each door. I somehow push my way down the platform and find a spot that I can stand that is three people deep from the edge of the platform and I wait. I keep waiting… and waiting. I know that since I am so far back I wont get on the next train, and the next train is nowhere in sight. Then… I remembered that I have two feet and decide to walk from Baker Street to school. It was CHILLY but I made it to school… later than normal but still had enough time to eat my cheerios!

I head to the lecture room at 10 and walk in on a class. The lady who told us nothing about marketing ourselves n Tuesday was telling the other course the same nothingness. So I snuck back out and waited for it to be over. Class finally started and it was all about Goya. I haven’t really heard much about him, so it was an interesting lecture! And Peter was the lecturer which meant I stayed awake because he is really good and energetic. (todays picture is Goya’s Massacre on the 3rd of May.)

After lecture was lunch which I tried to read my articles for seminar through, but that was a fail. I just gave up and waited for 1:30. We get to Michael’s office and one of the girls looked really sick. Her face was literally white with green edges! She was supposed to be presenting but Dr. M sent her home. The other girl was supposed to have flown to the NYC with her course, but decided not to go. She was supposed to present too, but Dr M had told her to do it later since she wasn’t going to be there. Well she was there, but didn’t do her presentation still, so that left one presentation. We were out by 3 after talking about Aby Warburg’s piece. We talked about everything from religion and magic, to medieval French. I was SO happy to get out of there at 3!

After school I headed home and put on the sweat pants! I am so excited to have nine days off! Just as a warning…. My blog may be lame this week (well more than normal!) I have a LOT of work to do and Im planning on holing myself up in my flat and getting a lot done!

1 comment:

  1. sorry to hear that you had a hard time with the tube. However, glad that you made it okay.
