Monday, February 20, 2012

My Vacation is Over

Sorry I didn’t write yesterday but honestly there wasn’t anything new. I studied, worked on reading Walter Benjamin until my head hurt, and watched Downton Abbey. (LOVE that show!) SO that is why there wasn’t a post… I would have put you to sleep faster than I normally do!

Today was rough… a Monday after a week off is never easy! It wasn’t a bad day though! (Well once I got myself out of bed!) I didn’t sleep really last night ( I think I had too much sleep the last week and just wasn’t tired) so this morning when my alarm went off, my eyes were heavy. I finally rolled out of bed did the normal routine, and was out the door at 9. Right now Im addicted to the Stereo Hearts song, so I blasted that on my walk to the tube. It was oddly bright out this morning… blue sky and it wasn’t that cold. Are the mornings getting lighter now that we are heading into March? I never know how such things work.

The commute was easy and normal. I did have to wait a minute for my second train, but that wasn’t a big deal. I always watch the rats running along the track at the Baker Street platform and wonder how many get squished. Then I always seem to think about the Little People books and wonder if there is a little rat nation living down there with schools for little rat-lings to teach the how to tell a train is approaching so they don’t get run over. I cant believe I just admitted to wondering such things. And… where do they get food from? It’s not like things grew in the tube tracks underground. Yeah… those are the questions I ask myself every morning. Perhaps I need help!

I got to school and sat down to eat my cheerios (which turned out to be quite stale actually) and went into class at 10. I started a new book Quiet thanks to mom! She had sent me an Oprah magazine article so I got it on my Kindle. Its really interesting so far.. its all about extroverts and introverts. I am going to use it against mom (she didn’t know what she did!) next time she tells me to stop reading and go do something!

Class was about Neo-Classical and Empire French furniture. I didn’t learn much because the guy basically rattled off the major makers and then showed us some slides. I have decided that the next book Im reading is going to be about Napoleon. Somehow I made it through high school learning nothing about him and in college they assumed that everyone had learned about him in high school. Yeah well… the only thing I had known about him 9from my art history class) was that he crowning himself Holy Roman Emperor instead of having the Pope do it (smart guy) and that he was dumb enough to try to conquer Russia in Dec/Jan. So smart yet kinda dumb… Anyways I get mixed answers every time I ask people if he was good or not. I learned today that he saved French decorative arts! (yay Napoleon!) and that he designed his own stuff. But other than that I don’t know much so I cant form an opinion. Long story short.. after I learn all about introverts and extroverts Im tackling the tiny man who attempted to rule Europe. Exciting!

The lecturer went over (again. Shocker. Really cant anyone keep to the hour and a half time limit? We got done 20 minutes later than we should have) and I ate my normal lunch. I really don’t think Im going to eat pb&j for a LONG time after this year. Gah! Then I was off to the National Gallery for our museum visit. Oh I realized something today… I have been calling Patrick “Patty” for almost two entire terms now… When I was looking up what group I was in I saw that I was in “Paddy’s” group. Opps…. Sometimes I think I have a hearing problem. The museum rotation was good. He never goes over and lets us out 5 minutes early! We looked at Rococo things so that was fun. I came home and had a series of mini disasters….

Todays picture is of the free Coke Zero that I received coming out of the National Gallery! There were Coke people giving them out so naturally I took free food (well in this case beverage) When you are a student free=awesome and you snag it no matter what it is! So I got this cute little can! It was ok… basically if Im going to drink pop… Im going to DRINK POP! This no sugar crap just isn’t worth it. The fake taste of sweetener after just doenst do it for me. If I am going to drink syrup and eat away at my teeth enamel, I am going to enjoy it (aka drink on with sugar) Anyways.. I wanted to take a picture of the cute can for my blog and since I no longer have my Droid, I had to wait til I got home and use my huge camera. While taking the picture my butt started to feel funny, and I realized that it felt wet. I look down and there is juice all over me, the pillow, and my couch. I knew I shouldn’t put my glass there! So I ripped everything off and got to do a load of laundry. Appreciate the picture today. I went to get everything out of the laundry and there is water all over my kitchen floor. I shut a sock in the door so it didn’t seal properly, which caused water to leak all over. I could just hear the Dragon Lady in my head “Anna!! I TOLD you to watch the washing machine! Your carpet could have gotten wet and RUINED!!” its didn’t and I mopped up the puddle with paper towels. So…. Appreciate my dumb little picture. I really had to work for it!

Tonight I need to study for my fake cataloging test. I am nervous about it (which is stupid because the grade doenst count) They just want us to get used to the test format and see what it is like. I have that on Wednesday.

If my blog is more boring then ever for you just wait until the end of March. I go to Venice (which means pictures and an adventure!) Hopefully Ill go somewhere after Venice too! Also my parents are coming to visit in April which will most definitely be an adventure. Oxford, Harry Potter studios, Greenwich, The White Cliffs of Dover and going out in public in London with them… its going to get crazy! (especially if there is cider involved! Haha) So stuff to look forward to in the coming months!

Off to eat dinner and then Study Time!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, this blog made me laugh so hard. First of all, yes it is getting lighter in the mornings, and is staying lighter at night. It is that time of year!! Your little rat story also cracks me up. LOL...I'm sure they have their own little community in the tubes!

    Sorry that your classes go over. I really hated when that happened.

    Glad that you have another good book to read.

    And...hahaha your picture has SO much to it!! I'm sorry that you had to go through all of that just for a picture.

    I can't wait to hear about the stories you'll have when the rents come to visit :) Love you!!
