Monday, February 27, 2012

Romantic Monday

Oops. I don’t know how I went the entire weekend without remembering to write my blog! Nothing happened however over the weekend that was worth blogging. Saturday I did some work, watched a movie and skyped. Sunday was the normal Sainsbury’s, clean and I finished my presentation that is due tomorrow. I was on a roll with work until mom called via skype and we talked for TWO hours. There went my motivation, and at 5:30 when we were done, I made dinner, ate, cleaned up, and showered before 8:30 when I skyped my sister. Basically it was one big skype date and I accomplished nothing.

Today was rough in the fact that it was Monday! I dragged myself out of bed and got ready. Somehow I was early and made it to the tube pretty quickly. The commute was easy and the train was empty. The second train was pulling in just as I got to the platform so no saying hi to the mice today! I got to school at 9:40 (five-ten minutes earlier than normal) and I read my book about introverts. GO Introverts! Today was all about the stock market and introverted/extroverted traders in the market crash.

Class today was all about the Romantics again. This time it was British romantics, not the French so it was better. Basically it was all about emotions, ideas, and making a picture that the viewer can make into something personal. I love Turner’s stuff. And one of the other artists that right now I cant remember his name. Oops :)

I then ate lunch, printed off my notes for tomorrows presentation, surfed the world wide web and then at 1 Isabel and I headed down to the National Portrait Gallery. I am a fan. I love the National Portrait Gallery (right next to the national gallery!) We looked at the British monarch from Charles II to George IV. It helped to do them in order and refresh my memory on everyone’s dates. (which I had known from studying for the cataloging exam!) I don’t know if I have said this before, but my rotation group is half masters, and half undergrads. Oh my goodness are the undergrads ANNOYING. They are in their second year, so they are basically sophomores. I never knew that 4 years could make such a difference in maturity. AND one of them could not grasp the succession. I didn’t know how hard it was to understand that Mary (as in William and Mary) was James II daughter, and then Queen Anne was Mary’s sister, and George I was the grandson of James II. I didn’t think it was that hard to grasp but every two seconds there was a question.

I survived that, and headed home to make sure I could give my presentation tomorrow. (aka practice) I got home, checked my email and then my eyes were so so heavy. So I set my alarm for 6 (it was 5:10) and fell asleep. I kept hitting the snooze and apparently can turn off my alarm in a half awake state, and the next time I opened my eyes it was 7:45pm and I had no idea where I was at. Awesome. I so I writing my blog quickly tonight (sorry!) and Im going ot go eat, shower and practice my presentation on governesses and seamstresses in Victorian England. Sounds riveting no? So Im sorry for not writing all weekend and then finally writing a boring, lame post. Tomorrow perhaps will be better! Actually I am hoping it will be boring because that means that my presentation went well!

Until tomorrow….

Pictures: the first (the landscape) is by Friedrich (one of my favorite artists today) and one of my favorite images from lecture. The second is Child in a Meadow by Runge... a little weird but showing that the child is a clean slate and is experiencing grass and a sunrise. It still kind freaks me out...

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