Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Presentation Day

After a night of crazy dreams and tossing and turning, my alarm this morning was not welcomed at all. I don’t know how I got out of bed and put the appropriate articles of clothing on the correct limbs but I did somehow.

Today’s lecture was amazing. First of all I like Turner’s and Constable’s work. I had never heard of them before I came here. At HWS we really didn’t get any exposure to British art and here in Britain they LOVE Constable. I am more of a Turner fan, but both are amazing. They are painting landscapes at a time when history paintings are the highest form of art (which is the case for most time periods!) and they are incorporating the idea of the sublime into their landscapes, while looking back at Claude and Poussin. Secondly our lecturer was AMAZING which makes or breaks class. He was energetic, funny and entertaining. Not at all stuffy like so many are! It was a good lecture, hence all of the pictures in today’s post!

After class I ate lunch and went to the computer room to tweak my presentation. I had a TWO hour break in-between classes. GAH! I was glad when it was finally two o’clock!! My presentation went ok. I didn’t rock it but I didn’t crash and burn either. I started out kinda rushed but got into the groove after the first slide. My professor said I made some really good points and read the pictures well so I think I did ok! I am glad to be done! I just have to live through my next one on Friday. That’s the one Im REALLY dreading.

After class I walked to Primark (it was 60 degrees out today so I decided it was a good day for a walk!) and I bought my parents a pillow, another towel (so we each have one!), and a king size fitted sheet for the pull out couch for all of my visitors! I went bold and got a bright yellow one to go with my white and black striped comforter! Then I headed home, made hamburgers (and realized I hadn’t zipped the ziplock bag s my rolls were incredibly stale) and watched the Office re-runs.

Random updates: Rick Santorum doesnt cease to amaze me and that is not in a good way….. The tent city at St Pauls was finally broken up today after 137 days. (which is roughly how long I have been here)…. I miss my droid….. and I finally got an Evening Standard today AND.. there weren’t any crazy stories. Just the usual. Kate looking perfect with her “not a hair out of place” hair, and impeccable outfits.

I am becoming a fashionista wannabe. All I do when Im out in public is check out what everyone is wearing. The guys here even have style. Basically if I had a million dollars I would give away all my clothes (well almost all of them) and start over with one big shopping spree. How fun would that be! Oh and I wouldn’t look at price tags. It must be nice (and crazy!) to go shopping and not have to look at price tags. Sigh

Well that is all for today. I have a headache (thanks to the headband I wore all day) and Im off to crash before I go to bed. It’s a study tomorrow! WOO!

P.S Pictures... some of my favs from todays lecture. The first is a Turner (a view of Venice) that I would probably give my first born child for. (ok maybe my second!) The second picture is my fav Constable and the third is another Constable that is quiet amazing!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that class went well for you. And I'm glad that your presentation went well!!!

    Sorry to hear that you didn't sleep well. What did you eat/drink before you went to bed?? That is usually when I have weird dreams.

    I'm sure Mom will be happy that you picked up that stuff. haha. Oh and sorry to hear about your rolls, that is always frustrating.

    I heard on the news this morning that occupy London (or whatever you called it) was over. It probably looks so different!

    If you ever are a millionaire and are going to get rid of your wardrobe I will gladly take it :)
