Friday, February 24, 2012

Another Half-Day!

Well I woke up this morning in much better shape than I did yesterday! Haha. I still was slow getting out of bed, but that is normal. I am ALWAYS slow at getting out of a warm, fluffy, cozy bed. (minus Christmas morning…. As soon as my eyes are open Im on top of the stairs yelling for my parents to get up. Yup I did that even this past Christmas and I will next year. Actually Im hoping I wont be living at home. Sorry Mom and Dad!)

It was eerily quiet on the commute this morning which was nice. I got to school early and ate my cheerios and read all about introversion. Still really interesting! Class this morning was Regency furniture. Ian was our lecturer and he is the one that usually goes over by 30 minutes. Today he was only 15 minutes over… an improvement. It was interesting because I like the Regency period, but otherwise it was kinda long and parts were boring. I have some cool designs in my notebook… oops :)

After class I was FREE! Dr. Michael squared was off in Russia today so we didn’t have class. I decided since it was a BEAUTIFUL day out again (high 50’s) I decided to walk to Baker Street instead of taking the tube. I took a detour and walked on the regent park side of the buildings. I have decided it must be amazing to live in London if you are wealthy. I guess that is probably true anywhere. I cant believe Im admitting this on my blog but I spent the entire walk not looking at the park…. I was looking in the rich people’s windows. They have some nice stuff! :) So… I made it to the tube, hopped on and came home. I then decided to watch a show while I ate lunch and picked Glee. To be honest I have been waiting for Glee to get better… its been slow and lame this season until this episode! I ended up blubbering through it and am mad that the last scene is Quinn getting in a car accident. Sigh. So now I am anxiously waiting for nest weeks episode. I guess the show got better again!

I haven’t gotten as much work done as I have wanted to. Sigh. So I need to go do work! Sorry this post is lame! Oh another thing... today I tried Twitter and I dont get it. I feel so dumb and out of touch with technology!!

P.S the picture is one of the cooler pieces that I saw in the lecture. its a library chair that unfolds to double as bookcase steps. Cool right?

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome that you had another half day...and that it was nice!!

    It's okay. I don't get twitter I don't use it. :)
