Friday, February 17, 2012

The Last Few Days

Sorry I haven’t written in a bit. On Wednesday that wasn’t much to say! I just sat around and did work. I did finish my project though. FINALLY!!!

Yesterday was a good day until the end… I got up and slowly got ready. (I love the laid back mornings that involve coffee. MMmmm coffee!) I ate a pb&j sandwich and headed out to the British library. I got my library card renewed really easily! I thought it would be hard considering what I had to go through the first time but it was really simple and I was out of there in five minutes! It was a BEAUTIFUL day so I walked from the library to school. It was so warm that my coat was unbuttoned and I was still warm! LOVE it. I have Spring Fever!

I went to school and topped up my printing credits and then printed my project, some articles to read for my presentation and my confirmation email for Harry Potter Set Tour! Woo! I probably spent almost all of my print credits. Sigh. Then I walked down to H&M to get some shorts. I went and couldn’t find them, so I walked towards Bond Street tube stop and went in the one in Oxford Circus… no shorts, and THEN I went to the one by Bond Street.. no shorts. GAH! I ran in Primark quickly and got a cheap bathing suit (just in case I take a trip) and I found a pair of Oxfords that look JUST like the ones I had bought (and then returned) for 50 pounds. This pair was 8!! Then I decided to head home.

I got to Willesden Green and decided that my feet hurt so I would take the bus. BAD idea. I was checking my email when I noticed the bus was pulling over so I grab my bus pass and shove my phone in my pocket. I am getting on the bus and I wonder what the big deal is and why everyone is pushing to get on. I get home and put my hand in my pocket…. No phone. I bet you 20 dollars it was the woman behind me getting on the bus. Sigh. There goes my Droid 2 Global phone with all my crap on it. Sigh. I was pissed.

So I dealt with that last night, watched tv, window shopped for shoes via the internet and went to bed. Depressed.

Today is going better. I ALWAYS get a cold in February and like clockwork, I feel one coming on. My nose is stuffy and my throat is scratchy. I haven’t even been out and about that much this week! GAH! I did call the national insurance company so I can get a number so I can work over here. And I called edf, but I need my meter reading but Jack hasn’t texted me back. I need to go work on my presentation on governesses and seamstresses. Woo. I cant believe its Friday already. I don’t want this week to end!

P.S Sorry I dont have a picture today

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about your day. Hope the weekend goes by well. Love and miss you!
