Monday, February 13, 2012

Not much to Tell

Well its day one of the official study week! I really don’t have much to say… this is going to be short and boring! It feels like finals week in undergrad, minus the stress of having to get things done. SO… I get distracted easily! I did get a lot done today though including, laundry folded and put away, drawers organized, study charts/keys made, Jane Eyre finished, all my images but into my powerpoint, two loads of dishes, and did some work on my project! But.. I also watched four episodes of Modern Family. So I slacked and did things!

I cant decide about this whole new design thing for my blog. I hate change so Im having problems with it!

Off to bed!

1 comment:

  1. Wow you got a lot done! Keep it up :)

    I don't like change either...but I think I might like you're new blog. The only thing that I don't like is that once I read a blog the writing used to change color to show me that I had read it and in this new format it doesn't do that.

    Love ya!
