Sunday, February 5, 2012

Another Sunday

I really slept in this morning. Then it was the usual, bring routine. Sainsburys. I walk outside and almost die. London doenst own a shovel apparently so the sidewalks are packed with slippery melting, packed down snow. It was like walking on ice. It took me forever to get to Sainsburys and I almost fell 15 times. My shoes were filled with slush. I did my shopping (I don’t know it added up to 13 pounds but that is besides the point) and I took the bus home because I didn’t want to spend 25 minutes trying not to die. Snow is SO frustrating here. I am NEVER wishing for snow in London again. EVER. I am hoping that it is ALL melted by tomorrow.

I got home, cleaned, did my laundry and made a to-do list for my study week. I need to think of a thesis topic by tomorrow at 3:20 because I have a meeting with my tutor. I have no ideas. I want to the Holocaust but they wont let me. Sigh. SO that is what Im going to spend the rest of my day doing… exciting. Im sorry this is so boring but there isn’t anything to say today!

Todays picture is of a good sidewalk. There was actually some looser snow to walk that provides SOME traction!

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully your snow will be gone. And good luck with your thesis!!
