Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wonderful Wednesday

Today was a study day, which made the day wonderful! I love sleeping in. It just starts out the day perfectly. I slowly ate breakfast, watched some of the Office, and then decided what I had to do today. It wasn’t good. I had to do a mountain of dishes, take out the garbage, email 15 people, did my presentation for Friday (which was a feat. I hate theory), looked up travel stuff, ate dinner, showered, and dropped my toilet paper in the toilet again. This time it wasn’t funny at all. I swore and chucked the soggy roll in the garbage. Not my best moment. But that is why todays picture is my bathroom. My toilet paper has a new home. On the doorknob. We shall see how that goes! Gah!

Tomorrow is an easy day I think. We shall see though! Sorry for the lame post but I just worked ALL day! Sigh. Good thing I had an extra day today! Thanks Leap Year for the extra day in London!

1 comment:

  1. You need to get a toliet paper holder that sits on the floor. That is what we have in the new bathroom and it's awesome. I think ti would work for you and it's hard to knock it off. Sorry that you lost your tp though :)
