Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Five years ago today PCS had a snow day (a very rare occurrence by the way). The snow day forced me home for the day (mom always said if it was bad enough to close school it was too bad out to go to a friend’s house) So I was stuck at home alone and had to go get the mail. I open the mail box and see an envelope with HWS on it… my acceptance letter! Two years ago today I was riding a bicycle on the Appian Way in Rome, Italy with Lauren and Laura (and Scary Mary!) so this Valentine’s Day was not one of my best! I just sat around and did work. I still need to do one more section in my project tonight so I can do the last section tomorrow. GAH! I remembered that I needed to call places while I was eating dinner so that didn’t happen. Oh well. There is always tomorrow.

There isn’t really much to say again today! Im just trying to get a lot of work done before my two crazy weeks. I really don’t want study week to end. Ever.

Picture: Scary Mary ready to go!

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