Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tuesday and Study Day

Sorry I didn’t write yesterday. I was too much of a grumpster. It was a LONG day that ended with everything going wrong. My day started off with the alarm clock going off an hour earlier. I dragged myself out of bed and headed to an early lecture about how to market myself as an art world professional. What a waste of time. This lady owned a recruitment business so it was how to work with an agency to find a job. Then she gave interview tips that were common sense, and showed us a sample resume. I think everyone was really disappointed that they got up early for that!

Then the day got better. It was Wedgwood Day! I learned all the about the best potter ever! He was sick when he was little and had a bad right leg o he couldn’t use the pottery wheel (you kick it with your right leg) so that may be the reason that he started with molds. Then he got his leg amputated by Dr. Darwin and his favorite daughter married Darwin’s son and she gave birth to… yup you guessed it Charles Darwin! I didn’t know that! Craziness! Oh and don’t buy a cheap piece of Wedgwood…. We learned the differences between the cheap stuff and the good stuff. Basically it’s a waste. Go big of go home. The 3,000 pound vase looks a LOT better than the 300 pound one. You def get what you pay for in Wedgwood.

After that I sat around during lunch but then decided to go grab a binder and some page protectors for my thesis project. Doing Honors the best thing I did as an undergrad. I feel prepared to write this thesis and I know what works. A binder and page protectors are a must! Rymans was having a sale on just what I needed! I love when that happens! It was a 2 for 3 deal that included binders and page protectors so my binder was free! AND I got a student discount so that was even better! I love saving money!

My culture and ideology class is a waste of time. Even my nice and easy going professor was getting frustrated. No one focuses there presentation and just shows images without a THESIS! GAH! I slept (with my eyes open though.. I was in the front row) So that started the bad mood… 2 hours of looking at pictures for no reason. Oh I forgot.. I had bought a coke for a pound at sainsburys for a little treat and drank it during culture and ideology. I thought the caffeine would help me but instead my stomach starting feeling funny and then I started getting really jittery. Apparently Im not used to caffeine anymore and a coke can send me into shock! It didn’t even help keep me awake!

Finally I was free at 4 and I booked it home! (It was chilly and I was sleepy!) I stopped at the post office and stood in line for a good 25 minutes (I HATE the post office over here.) and they told me I had to go to the Royal mail delivery center in Harlesden to pick up my package from my mom. I get home and break my Vera id/key ring thing so I throw my bags on the floor which breaks open my bag of chips and sends them flying everywhere. I decided to chill out and watch a Big Bang Theory episode and the website was down. So I looked up the delivery center and saw that it was a half an hour bus ride away. I ended up watching The Help in sweatpants, grateful that I didn’t have to shower because I wasn’t going anywhere on study day!

Today I slept in which was glorious. After I ate breakfast (digestive cookies and tea. I eat cookies for breakfast in every country!) I made my journey to the Royal Mail Delivery Center. It took me an hour and a half to get there and back. Awesome. But my mommy sent me Cadbury eggs and books so it was worth it! Now I am back, drinking tea( (im becoming British!) and writing my blog. I NEED to go to work though. That will be the rest of my night… work, big bang theory and eating dinner. OH dinner… I realized last night that I bought (accidently) reduced fat sausages. Really?? Who eats sausages that are reduced in fat… I feel like if you were that worried you just wouldn’t eat sausages. They didn’t taste the same. Worse… I like fat!!

Ok off to attempt to read some philosopher who thinks crazy stuff about art. Awesome.

P.S Today's picture is Jasperware... the must famous line of Wedgwood pottery. If anyone wants to buy me any I would be ok with it! :)

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that you had a bad day! But I am glad that you got mom's package...cadberry eggs are so yummy!!!! And I never knew that they even made reduced fat sausages. Ewww! I agree with you, why eat them otherwise. Sorry they weren't so good :( Hope that tomorrow and the weekend goes better!!!
