Thursday, February 2, 2012

Unexciting Day

Ok Ill warn you right of the bat… this is going to be a lame post because my day was completely normal. I slept through my sculpture class this morning (ok not really but I did lose track a few times because I just zoned out) it was on 18th century sculpture and honestly I only really like Canova. (you have to google my favorite piece because the picture today is of something else! Google Canova Cupid and Psyche and you will get it. Maybe Ill put it as tomorrow’s picture) Anyways I didn’t really pay attention.

During the lunch break I signed up for a tutorial with Andrew, ate lunch, finished my reading for tomorrow and read some of Jane Eyre. (which is getting better). The at 1:10 Isabel and I walked to the gallery together. This is our last outing this term! (Thank goodness! Its hard to find some of these places) Today’s handling session was in ceramics. It was ok… we handled stuff for 15 minutes and we toured his gallery for an hour and 20 mins. (his gallery was like a museum so it wasn’t all that special in the touching dept… we weren’t allowed to!) The milk jug I liked is 20,000 pounds. My birthday is coming :))) Oh he did give us a gallery catalog for free though! That was awesome!

After that I walked over to Christies King Street with Isabel to look at her artifact for our project. (we need to find one that is on sale). I actually ended up picking something out too! (see the picture) It is a Georgian III breakfast table. It is estimated to sell at 20,000-30,000 pounds on Tuesday. I got to TOUCH it. It was silk like (that’s how awesome the mahogany on this thing is!) Oh and the best part… its described as a Plum-Pudding Mahogany breakfast table. That is os awesome... plum pudding. It was good to get some homework done today!

After finding my object I went to Fortnum and Mason AND….. didn’t buy ANYTHING! I was so proud. I think Valentines Day is dumb… until I saw how Fortnum and Mason does Valentines Day. Top-Notch. Very classy and impressive. (also very expensive)

Then it was home to eat, unpack everything and now after this Im going to research my Plum-Pudding Breakfast Table. I would also love this for my birthday. More than the milk jug, so hurry and register at Christies! :) (by the way I am.. so I can access the condition reports!)

1 comment:

  1. Glad that you for your object. Have fun researching it. It is very pretty.

    The handling session didn't seem like a lot of fun. I would have probably been bored also.
