Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Waste of a Day

I am once a again a grumpster. I need it to be 4:30pm on Friday so I can sit in a stupor and not have anything to worry about. I was out of it all day today. I couldn’t seen to keep my eyes open and I most def couldn’t pay attention. I had ADD hardcore today. I somehow dragged myself to school, ate my cheerios in a daze and made my way to our lecture. This morning it was all about Robert Adams for the 14th time. Ian Cox was our lecturer today. He is a class favorite considering he always goes over the class time with his ranting. Today he did not disappoint and class went until 12:15. Yes… that is a half an hour longer than it is supposed to be! Grrr….

After that was lunch and then off to silver handling with Andrew. It actually was cooler than I thought it was going to be. We learned about hallmarks and how to read them. Basically hallmarks can be really easily faked so don’t trust them. Another reason for me to hate silver. Class got done late (shocker) so I decided to hang out at school while I waited for my interview. I made some copies of passages for my thesis binder, and read some of my seminar reading but then I was falling asleep so I stopped!

At 4:40 I headed to the tube stop to head to my interview. It was a half an hour ride there and a ten minute walk from the station to the place. I walked through a mall to cut off the angle and didn’t even stop to look at anything! (someone please give me some credit please!) Anyways I get there, wait in line and the reception greets me. I am the only person in the room not in jeans and a hoodie. Also I felt like I had the highest education… I know that’s mean to say but I really felt like it. Anyways long story short… I didn’t get an interview because I need a National Insurance number to show that I can work in the UK. I thought that number was on my visa. Nope. Things aren’t that easy. So I have to re-schedule after I apply for a number.

SO I rode the tube for 45 minutes home and ate my sandwich that I had brought with me for dinner. I watched The Big Bang theory to make me feel better and then decided to check out my electric account. I noticed that it said that I live in flat 3 and I have a credit of 166 pounds… I think I am paying for y neighbors electric, but so are they so I am getting a credit. Tomorrow Ill have to call and get that straightened out. This of course put me in a better mood and I took a hot shower to chill. THEN in the shower I realized that I am a complete idiot. I don’t know if I have preciously mentioned that I have t stand against the far wall to even get wet in the shower. Tonight I had this CRAZY idea to try to move the shower head… it glided easily into the middle and the water rained down in the normal spot. Wow… Do I deserve the masters degree if it takes me 3 months to realize I don’t have to huddle next to the wall?? I wish I had a brain!
Im off to bed. Tomorrow is Goya and then y crap class. The only thing getting me through is the fact that I have a study WEEK next week. That’s right.. no school :)

P.S the picture is of a robert adam room that is actually in the MET. i like him...

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about everything. Classes going over are not fun. Well actually in the states that doesn't happen because everyone just leaves when class is supposed to be over (don't blame them really...actually I used to be one of them). LOL. Sorry to hear about the interview, that doesn't seem right at all. So frustrating. So how do you get the number that you need? And then when will you get to go back for an interview? because I feel like you'd get the job after describing who else was there.

    And sorry to hear about your shower situation. But hey better late than never!!
