Monday, February 6, 2012

Felling Smarter!

I was late this morning. I was running around like a hectic crazy person stumbling over things in my half-conscious stupor. I hate Monday mornings! I really should go to bed earlier! I think that every morning but somehow it never happens! I did make it to school though and choked down my cheerios in time for my morning lecture.

This morning I finally a true lecture from someone who is not just a genius in his field, but knows how to lecture. That is an art! Our lecture was on Neo-Classical architecture and our lecturer…. Professor Frank Salmon from Cambridge. He was the best lecturer so far and I actually took notes during it and didn’t stare at the screen half-asleep! He was so good and I fell like I can talk about Neo-Classical architecture now! I wish he lecturer ALL the time! And now I feel smarter that I have had a Cambridge guy give me a lecture! I ha wasn’t stuffy! He was really nice and had the best since of style I have ever seen on a professor!

After the awesome lecture we had to wait around 10 minutes so we could have a thesis meeting.. it wasn’t helpful at all. The only thing I learned is that its an exhibit piece and needs to be 18,000 words. Im not too concerned with the length. My undergrad was 13,000. Im not too nervous because I know how much wok its going to be and its round two for me. Honors Project… best thing I did as an undergrad!

After that pointless meeting I sat around for 3 hours. I ate lunch, read Jane Eyre (which I was liking but now I am hating it…), and surfed the world wide web. At 3:20 I went up to see Andrew. Thanks to Dad I have a thesis! Andrew approved me to look at carriages. It cant be just carriages though. I need to figure out how to contextualize it and pick what way Im going to go with it. Transportation, travel, leisure driving… etc. He was really impressed with the idea and said that he cant wait to read it! He also said I am going to have a TON of work to do. Bring it. :)

So that was my day. Long but easy! Tomorrow I have to be at school at 9am. Grr.

My Evening Standard Story: The Cadogan Hotel in London is offering a special deal right now. For 4,000-25,000 pounds (depending on the quality) you can have a butler pour champagne in a bath tub so you can bathe in it. What a waste of money and the work in “brewing” the champagne! (Ok brewing isn’t the right word but I cant think of the right one. Fermenting??) It starts this week for Valentines Day and will last through the year to celebrate the hotels 125 year anniversary. What a waste of money…

P.S the picture is in honor of my thesis


  1. glad that you enjoyed your lector and that you have a thesis.

    And very interesting story...hmmmm, pretty sure that I wouldn't want to bathe in champagne, lol.

  2. I just noticed that the title for this post Feeling smarter is spelled wrong. Apparently I am feeling smarter but Im not actually smarter! HAhaah
