Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Happy 1st Day of February!

Wow its already February! On Sept 24th I never thought I would make it until February over here! Now I just have to make it to the end of March for a fun-filled 5 week break from school! Im getting there!

I LOVE study days. I can sleep in, watch The Big Bang Theory while I eat my cheerios, and then do whatever I want to ALL day long. Its epic. Today I picked to go to the Imperial War Museum! I had seen a poster on the tube for the Holocaust exhibit and I thought I would check it out. What was even better was the fact that it was FREE! (I LOVE the UK) The photography exhibit looked super cool but I didn’t want to spend 7 pounds to see it. The Museum was cool! I saw tanks, planes, jeeps, and guns! Then I watched a genocide video and decided that the UN doesn’t do anything at all, and then headed to the Holocaust exhibit. It was ok… I have seen better. It was cool to see the WWII stuff from Britain and the German war posters. The holocaust side of it was well done for a general audience… not very graphic though, and focused a lot on the Nazi party side of things. And my camp was barely included. Sigh. After going to Auschwitz, black and white photos of it really doesn’t affect me anymore.

After that I went into the store and browsed the book section. I saw a children’s book on my camp and picked it up to flip through…. It was my honors project just with different pictures. How depressing! They didn’t look at the art, talked about the propaganda, the film, the deceit, and then my artists. GAH!!! My honors project was a CHILDRENS book. Grrr….

I came back home and realized that my flat is still extremely cold. I have drank my weight in tea. I have also been TRYING to read this crazy stuff for my theory class. I HATE this stuff. I don’t get it and what it has to do with art at all. I read it but at the end have no idea what was said. Yay. Cant wait for class on Friday. Ill just sit there quietly… its what I do best!

Im starting to get nervous about all the work I have to do… I cant believe how fast this week is going and if this keeps up Im going to be over my head in work before I know it. So Im panicking, but at the same time have NO motivation whatsoever to do work. Wow… what a great combo!

Off to eat dinner and read another article! Woo!

P.S the photo is of the Imperial War Museum!

1 comment:

  1. Glad that the museum was okay. Hope that you're getting warmer!! And sorry to hear about your honors project. I wouldn't worry about it though.
