Thursday, February 23, 2012

I Love Half-Days

Ok so do you remember how awesome I felt when I went to bed early and I vowed to continue the trend of going to bed at a decent hour?? Well that went down the tubes last night, so this morning was a little rough. I looked like I had never seen light before, and a raccoon had torn through my hair when I looked in the mirror this morning. Actually I resembled a raccoon because there were remnants of mascara under my eyes. Yup I looked drop dead gorgeous this morning. Good thing I had a never ending supply of water and q-tips (to get the mascara off my face), a brush, and some makeup. After that I looked at least semi-normal but my hair hated me so much that I had to dip out a headband to restrain some stubborn fly-aways. I really should go to bed sooner!!

Thank goodness today was a half day. I LOVE half-days. Not as good as a day off because I still have to get up early (and therefore attempt to rescue my face) but at the same time I do get up and get going because I have to and then have the afternoon off. Not too shabby! Todays lecture was on French Romantic painting. I hated most of them. Ingres had a few god portraits (The one of Napoleon is amazing) but once Paddy started to point out exaggerations of form in the others, they became so glaring obvious that I didn’t like them that much anymore. I did like some of the paintings by the other artists. I have to admit… the portraits of the men are my favorite. Why?? 1. I wish men still dressed like that. (see the Keira Knightly version of Pride and Prejudice) 2. Their hair doesn’t get much better than it does in the Romantic period. Its all windswept and the sitter looks friendly. I saw one that immediately made me think… “oh wow. That is where Patrick Dempsey gets his inspiration for his hair-do” haha. That should tell you how much I paid attention in class!

After class we had a mini briefing about Venice. It sounds fun and our hotel looks nice! We haven’t gotten our info packets yet though so Ill tell you more when I know more!

After school I went to mail my National Insurance Number application back to the people, and then walked down to Oxford Circus and decided to catch the bus. It was an amazing 61 degrees out today with bright blue skies so I didn’t want to go underground on a day like that! The bus ride was nice and I got home to my H&M package by my door. I got some shorts from them and ripped open the bag to try them on. (I did go inside before trying them on. I did not strip in the hallway. No worries) I am so excited about them. Over here the style of shorts is longer than at home so I don’t have to worry about my butt hanging out of the bottom, or seeing anyone else’s butt. Its nice. I hope little WNY follows suit.

I made risotto for dinner which was uber yummy and it was nice to skype Al and catch up with him. Oh I am completely hooked to Quiet. I feel like I am learning so much about myself and now know why I may feel some things in certain situations. Its really interesting! Oh and I just thought I should add that at one point the author says that its rewarding for parents who have introverted children. Hey mom and dad that’s you…. Feel rewarded :)

Well I think that is it. Im off to bed in hopes that I wake up in a little better condition tomorrow! Its another half of a day tomorrow! Woo!

P.S the picture is Ingres' Napoleon

1 comment:

  1. That's nice that you had a half day on a beautiful day!

    Glad that you like your new shorts, and I'm very glad that you went into your apartment first before you tried them on. Some places are getting the longer shorts in stock (Eddie Bauer for instance). I love the longer style so much better!!

    I am so glad that you made risotto. It can be super yummy! What kind did you have?

    And...the book sounds interesting!
