Sunday, February 12, 2012

Random Things

As you have probably noticed… I have changed the look of my blog. We shall see how it goes. I may change it back to the dandelions. Im giving Big Ben and Parliament a test run!!

Today was a normal Sunday, minus I didn’t make my Sainsbury’s run! I slept in, leaned, did laundry, did work, skyped the parents and other random things! Nothing is too exciting here. I do have a few random things that I forgot to mention yesterday! Lucky you.

First of all Im turning British…. Yesterday in lunch I was talking and I said “Yeah… Im not to keen on them” I don’t remember what I was talking about (hence the “them”) but I said KEEN! Who does that!!!?? (in America at least!) What am I going to be saying next?? “Its blooming cold out there”?? Or “bloody hell”?? Actually I could pick up “bloody hell”! Best phrase ever and I chuckle every time that Ron Weasley says it in the Harry Potter movies. :)

I realized that I did something incredibly dumb. I brought my “Ever After” dvd back here with me and forgot Pride and Prejudice! Whatever am I going to do without Mr. Darcy until August?

I lied about the halfway point… Im halfway to the end of school (June 29th) not Aug 18th. Sigh.

My table that I am doing my project on sold on Friday! It was estimated to go at 20,000-30,000 pounds ($31,800-$47,000) and it did so well!! It sold for 46,850 pounds! ($73,929) Way to go Plum-Pudding Mahogany Breakfast table! At least two people wanted you badly enough for you to blow away the estimate!

The only exciting thing that happened around here is that yesterday my roll of toilet paper fell in my toilet. I had to fish it out before the water seeped into all of it so I had a dry corner to pick it out with. I lead an exciting life.

Its supposed to get warmer here this week! High 40’s for the entire week!!! How exciting. I am looking forward to wearing spring clothes!

Ok that is all I have got for you…. Sorry!

P.S Happy 125th post!
P.S.S The picture is of me in Malta where I want to be!! Somewhere WARM! Sorry Im running out of picture ideas!

1 comment:

  1. Boring days are good! That's funny that you said keen...although I could see you saying bloody hell. I like that phrase :).

    Sorry about your dvd...awesome about the table...still okay about your halfway point :), it has still gone very fast...hahaha about your toliet paper, it is hilarious (I could have seen you look at the toliet and say "oh bloody hell" with the British accent and all. Haha. Hope it warms up for you too!
