Saturday, February 11, 2012


This morning I slept until I woke up on my own. I love mornings that don’t involve an alarm clock! Then I did something really crazy… I went to Sainsburys on a Saturday. Woo! Crazy Anna! I had a coupon for 2 pounds off my total purchase but it expired today so I went today to save money! I got a TON of stuff (including more laundry detergent). I think I am going to go on Saturday next week too because I got a coupon today for triple points that expires on Saturday. Im mixing things up TWO weeks in a row! Crazy! :)

Besides that nothing is really new. I got up late, went grocery shopping, put everything away, ate lunch, and watched an episode of Downton Abbey. I LOVE that show! Im only on episode two but its good! I am al caught up with The Big Bang Theory so I don’t know what im going to do! I love having marathons of that show but now I have to wait a week each time for a new one! Crisis!

I was reading the Evening Standard last night (no crazy stories.. Im sorry!) and I have one question. Why cant we find a intelligent person to run for president? Im sorry but in our HUGE country we cant find anyone decent?? Maybe all the smart people don’t want the job…. Anyways there is no way on this planet that I am going to vote for Rick Santorum. Ill vote for Obama first and that is saying something… Ok sorry for the political rant!

Im off to attempt to do SOME work today. Im kinda taking the day off and diving into the work this week. (I have it ALL planned out!)

If I stay here until Aug 18th, today is the halfway mark. 140 days down, 139 to go! Im getting there!

P.S My picture is of me two years ago this month (I was out of ideas!)Here I am in Naples (the armpit of Italy) eating my yummy pastry!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that you were able to get deals on your groceries! I did on Friday also. I love when that happens, lol :)

    That's awesome that you're caught up with the big bang theory! I love that show. Although waiting a week for a new one is not fun!!

    Please don't vote for Obama...I will de-sister you. Haha. Santorum won't be the republican candidate, I am sure of that. We get to vote on March 6th...I just have to decided which one I want. LOL.

    Happy Halfway day :) That time went by fast!!
