Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Tedious Tuesday

Today was long… Im glad I have tomorrow off! Life is back to normal for a bit! I was awake before my alarm this morning, but still managed to get out of bed late. I am SO talented at laying in bed. I wish I could make money from it. The commute was uneventful (no elbowing strangers butts or anything else embarrassing!)

This morning’s class was on 18th century gardens. (mostly English) It was really good! There is much more going on in the gardens than I ever thought. I didn’t know that the enlightenment, nationalism and morals all played a huge role in the garden and the experience of the visitor! It was really neat. Oh and todays picture is (in my opinion) the best piece of garden sculpture that I have ever seen. Its of Apollo rising out of a river type thing in the gardens of Versailles. Apollo is the sun-god and Louis the XIV is the sun-king…. Very appropriate! Anyways I am getting that picture when I go to Versailles!

Lunch was shorter today because at 12:45 we had a professional development. It was all about publishing so I wasn’t too interested. They said if you haven’t always wanted to be a publisher don’t do it because you need to be passionate about it. Apparently you work long hours for a crap paycheck. That rally made me want to pay attention!

After that was our culture and ideology. That went from 2-4 so sitting in a hard chair from 12:40-4 wasn’t ALL that fun. And I daydreamed through class because the presentations were boring and just scratched the surface of the topics. I guess our professors at HWS trained us well, because the presentations here suck. Really. Some don’t even have a thesis. So I daydreamed and my butt fell asleep. It was a fun afternoon!

Im happy to be home, but Im really COLD! It has gotten colder here. It is starting to feel like winter, and the coldness has seeped into my little flat. I had coffee though, and am looking forward to a hot dinner and tea! Oh last nights dinner… I couldn’t even eat it. The chili was SO SO gross. Never again…

I hope everyone sleeps more soundly in their beds tonight. The Evening Standard reported today that the “Jedi Attacker is Jailed”. Yes you read this correctly. Apparently a 33 year old man in a Toys R Us in Portland, Oregon attacked customers with Star Wars Lightsabers. HAHAHA. I kinda wich I could have been there to see that. Its not everyday that you can legit duel someone lightsaber vs lightsaber. He is jailed for 45 days and will be sent for mental testing. I LOVE this paper. It’s the best free entertainment there is.

Off to eat and hopefully do some work! Tomorrow is an adventure to the Imperial War Museum! They have an exhibit on the Holocaust that I really want to see!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear that your Chili wasn't good. What happened to it?

    And...hahaha that "jedi" story is hilarious. I love it! Interesting.

    I hope that you're keeping warm. Are there only certain times that you can turn the heat on?
