Saturday, January 21, 2012

Borough Market Day

This morning was a lot of fun! Freya and I headed to the Borough Market to check out all of the food stalls! I don’t know what is wrong with me, but I went to bed at 11pm, last night and when my alarm went off at ten I just laid there and groaned. Im so pathetic! Anyways…. I met Freya at noon and we headed over to the market. It was awesome! Way better than the one we went to in Buffalo for a field trip in high school. Their butter lambs and sauerkraut was good but it doesn’t compare to the Borough Market. They have everything! Duck, brussel sprouts, pies, Turkish delight, wild boar, olives, bread, veggies, fruit, sausages, cheeses, brownies, wine, beer, cider, jam….EVERYTHING!! I bought a wild boar sandwich (see facebook), a huge loaf of bread, a thing of blackberries (for only a pound!), a piece raspberry cheesecake and Turkish Delight!

That was my first time trying Turkish Delight and it is DELIGHTFUL!!! I felt like Edmund in Narnia!! (except I wasn’t with the White Witch, or in danger, or in snow for that matter) I had always wondered what it was! I think it’s the legit stuff because 1. It was expensive (not the best argument I KNOW!) and 2. The guy seemed non-western European. (again… not the best argument) He gave me a piece of the pistachio and that drew me in! The rose kind is good, but odd. I have an entire bag full (one of each kind) and I cant wait to try them all!

Another first today was my wild boar! I don’t know how to describe it… it was kinda of beef-like but it didn’t take like cow. (for a good reason!) It seemed saltier and… well different. I cant explain it! The ostrich wasn’t available so Ill have to go back and try it!!

After the market Freya and I went to Pink Blossom (I think that was the name of it) Its just like Orange Leaf but you don’t get to get the yogurt or toppings for yourself. (ok for those of you who don’t know what Orange Leaf is either… it’s a frozen yogurt place and the you add toppings!) I had pomegranate yogurt with blackberries, raspberries, and cheesecake pieces! Delicious!

I probably spent more than I should have today, but I decided that I am eating all of it so its ok :)

This afternoon was sad. Today’s picture was supposed to be of me eating my wild boar sandwich, but in light of recent events its of a much younger Fi-Fi. My parents put her down today. She was old, but its still sad. She was a good, friendly kitty who put up with a lot. (one that pops in my head is Katie and I holding her done to “play Vet” and pretending to cut her open and then heal her wound. She just laid there, probably figuring it would be over quicker that way!)

Sorry to end on such a sad note but nothing else is really new. I am hanging here tonight to hopefully start on some work!!

1 comment:

  1. The market sounds awesome! I love going to things like that. And I'm glad that you were able to try so many different things. Once we have blackberries this spring I wish I could send you some!!! But I don't think that they'd make it very well :)

    And, hahah, I had forgotten that we had done that to Fifi. Oh my goodness she did put up with a lot!! At least we didn't dress her up like we did to Oreo, LOL. It's a really good picture that you chose though.
