Monday, January 9, 2012

First Day of Term Two

Saturday night was amazing… fifteen hours of being snuggly in bed and sleeping for the first time in 31 hours. Last night I paid for it. I went to bed at 10 feeling sleepy. I crawl in bed and doze off pretty fast…. I woke with a start and looked at the clock. 11:45. Ok… I turned back over and couldn’t fall asleep. The last time I saw was 1:30 until I woke up at 2:15, 3 something, 4 something and at 5 something I finally fell asleep until my alarm went off at 8. Lets just say I was NOT bright-eyed and bushy tailed this morning!

I HATE the first day of class. I really do. Im always stressed and the kid who is in their seat a good 20 minutes before I have to be. Not today :) I was as cool as cucumber! (I don’t know how cool cucumbers are, but who doenst like a good cuke? Especially since you can eat an entire one and lose calories! Not a big concern to me…. But it is for others!) I was on time, not crazy early, and I was stressed at all. I just sat calmly and listened to the intro to the 18th Century.

I LOVE the 18th century. I mean LOVE it. I kinda wish I could time travel and hang out for a bit. I would HAVE to be rich, however, because it wasn’t all bright and shiny for the lower classes. The 18th century is full of Revolutions, beheadings, frill, conspicuous consumption, grace and awesome dresses! I wouldn’t powder my hair however…. I would rather be a carrot top than look 80 at age 22. While sitting in lecture I thought of two things the entire time…
1. My thesis. I am thinking now of doing Tea. I took a class on it at HWS (and slept through it except for the tea and marijuana section. Do you know that marijuana is the only drug that you cant overdose on because it doesn’t affect the part of your brain that controls motor function?? This is not an encouragement to smoke it, just a random fact.) Anyways back to tea… I could do the impact of tea and then the ceremony of it (including pots and furniture and such) Even the etiquette part would be cool. American tea practices would be awesome but I have a weird feeling that they came from the Brits. Just a guess… :)
2. The second thing I thought about was the REIGN OF TERROR! If anyone out there was in my class with Mr. Conroy you are already chuckling. I think we saw the slide with the guillotine and the big REIGN OF TERROR title, and the blood dripping down the sides everyday from the day after Christmas vacation until June. That and “let Them Eat Cake!” Hahah I loved that class. Then we saw the slide of Voltaire and I remembered the class that I learned nothing in… Mrs. Eddy’s and how she would fall asleep while we were reading to ourselves. Well that or buy things on One or the other.

You are probably dying to know what that picture of a teapot is doing on today’s post. Well remember my trip to Harrods? The one where I faked that I was actually shopping in the Wedgewood section, and then spotted the most stunning set of china I have ever seen. This is the teapot to the set. I found it online. It is only $1100. A bargain. The rest of the set makes me drool… if you are interested in purchasing me any of the pieces here is the website that you can do so The 5 piece set is $1000 which is way better of a deal than the teapot!

Another random bit of info. My “hotel” is filling up fast so if there are any interested takers for a double bed converted from the couch book soon! :) OK not really… but April is taken by my parents (a good part of it anyways) and Alex actually bought a ticket to come May 21st. That is a one-way ticket so not sure how long that booking will be for! Things to note before making a reservation…. The living is facing the street so it’s a little noisy, and the shower is a challenge. You have to stand near the wall to get wet. You don’t have to worry about competing for a slot against my only sister as she has chosen Hawaii over here little sister. (Nope Katie you are NOT living that down!)

I forgot an item on my New Years Resolution list… and its probably one of the more important ones! Emails… I am going to get exponentially better at emailing people back. I am bad at it I know. Jessi can tell you that I stink at emailing her back and she is not the only one! So Im going to get awesome at it! (I have already emailed Jessi back!)

After class today I went through Sainsburys and looked around. This sounds strange perhaps as I have lived here for a good two months already. I always made a list and stuck to it. I didn’t look around in case I started to acquire things I didn’t need. Well today I did it and found a LOT of stuff. I need to remember that I am not in Italy. There are real grocery stores here unlike Roma where there was veggies, pasta and wine. (not complaining!) I FINALLY found cheese slices (yay for grilled cheese!), salad, salad dressing (that was a feat. It’s on a shelf in the freezer section. Who would have thought??) Oh I found this Onion and Garlic dip. It is so SO good. I almost ate a bag of carrots devouring this stuff. I even dipped my pizza in it. All of the ingredients are pronounceable and I know what EVERY single one is. Its my new snack but it’s a healthy one so I don’t feel bad! And afterwards I could kill a vampire with my breath so there are benefits! A whole tub is only 1 pound! Brilliant.

Well I think that’s it for the day!

1 comment:

  1. Haha, you crack me up. This post made me laugh so hard!! Your take on cool cucumbers was very interesting as was your comment about a carrot top. I never knew that they powdered their hair, ewww! LOL.

    I am sorry that people are not fighting me for a spot on your couch :( I had to make a decision before you did, and I didn't know if you were going. I'm sorry. I really do wish that I could come and visit you, but I don't have enough money to buy 2 plane tickets! Sorry :( Boo.

    Sounds like you have more options for food now! That's awesome :)
